Gov. Mark Dayton
Gov. Mark Dayton

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  1. NCLB should have been abandoned years ago. That states need a waiver to get out from under it is ridiculous.

  2. This superficial, laughably named law has been an embarrassment and a travesty from its earliest inception. Kudos to Obama for giving waivers and kudos to the Governor for going after one. The tragedy is that our public schools for ten years have been strongarmed into pretending it had real merit, rather than teaching subjects the way they should be taught. And, the kids have paid the price for the arrogance and ineptitude of the so-called “adults” who foisted this outrage on them.

    The next step should be to repeal entirely this misbegotten experiment in conservative educational theory. So called.

  3. Obama and Dayton know which side their bread is buttered and who butters it. God forbid anyone be held accountable for our failed government schools.

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