Bachmann making a campaign call from her headquarters in Urbandale.
REUTERS/Joshua Lott
Bachmann making a campaign call from her headquarters in Urbandale.
Occupy protesters holding signs as they stand outside Michele Bachmann's Iowa campaign office on Saturday.
REUTERS/Joshua Lott
Occupy protesters holding signs as they stand outside Michele Bachmann’s Iowa campaign office on Saturday.

Polling suggests that message may have gotten through to voters. Santorum’s supporters like Bachmann — among those who plan on caucusing for Santorum on Tuesday, Bachmann is the second choice of nearly half of them, per a poll of Iowans released Sunday night. As Santorum rises, he’s leeching votes away from Bachmann at a very high rate.

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  1. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. Bachmann is out of voters, out of money, and out of time. The fat lady has begun to sing. In the republican tradition of saying one thing and doing another Bachmann won’t be able to live within her means after Iowa and she will limp along, go to South Carolina still looking for the miracle that will never happen. Her campaign debt will mount. She will be unable to admit her philosophy is way out beyond right field where there aren’t any voters. It is time for her to find something different to do with her titanium spine.

  2. Apparently some conservatives don’t believe in a free market for campaign staffs.
    Someone accepted a higher bid.
    The horror!

  3. “She will be unable to admit her philosophy is way out beyond right field where there aren’t any voters.”

    Nonsense. There’s nothing wrong with her philosopy. Her problem is she doesn’t have the same leadership experience or legislative accomplishments her opponents do.

    Unlike democrats, republicans actually consider what you’ve done in addition to what you stand for before nominating you for president.

  4. Bachmann was on C-span last night preaching in an Iowa church. I don’t know if she ever got around to mentioning her campaign, but she preached up a mighty storm. She could be the next Pastor Melissa Scott!

  5. #3
    There is obviously something wrong with her philosophy. That is why she is dead last in the polls. You don’t go from first to last without the message being a problem. She makes up facts to suit her needs. In her case it is the message as well as the messenger.

  6. There’s nothing wrong with her philosophy if you’re looking to repeal the 20th century. However, I think the rest of us would prefer a candidate who doesn’t think that the Flintstones was a documentary.

  7. The great Republican dilemma has always been how to get enough bodies to win elections while still being the party of the rich. The great solution was to become the party of Jesus and bring the fundamentalists in as a voting bloc.

    The polls consistently show that any anonymous competent Republican could beat Mr. Obama, and yet after a solid year of looking hard for one, the Republicans haven’t been able to find one to offer the voters. All we’re given, in terms of candidates with any serious party backing, are slick politicians and buffoons.

    Oh well; according to some of the more liberal wing of the Democratic party friends, Mr. Obama is ruling like a Republican anyway.

  8. Richard–
    Let’s say that Obama is governing
    (I don’t think that ‘ruling’ is really an appropriate term)
    the way Republicans used to.

  9. #6–with a hat tip to #2–

    “What does it say about conservative voters that they would vote Bachmann #1 in the Iowa straw poll”

    It says capitali$m was at work because votes were bought at the straw poll. The candidates purchased tickets that enabled people to vote and gave them away.

    Plus, apparently, people were swayed by the great party she threw in her tent with country music singer Randy Travis as the main attraction. Perhaps her next gig will be to succeed that other Iowa favorite daughter Elsa Maxwell, the hostess with the mostest.

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