With last night’s debut of BringMeTheNews.com, Twin Citians now have a heaping plate of local-news rounder-uppers.

In addition to Rick Kupchella’s new thing — which debuted last night, operates throughout the day, and takes a straightforward approach — other locally oriented link farms include:

♦ MinnPost’s own Daily Glean (mornings, opinionated)
♦ MPR’s Polinaut (mornings, mostly straightforward)
♦ Minnesota Independent’s AM.MN (mornings, opinionated)
♦ City Pages’ Twin Cities Reader (all-day, opinionated)
♦ Politics in Minnesota’s Morning Report (mornings, straightforward)

City Pages’ Blotter and Bob Collins’ 5@8 (part of his MPR NewsCut blog) also aggregate, but there are more than local headlines in each. MinnPost has Political Agenda and Business Agenda but I view individual posts as something different than an at-a-glance page or single feature. Ditto Secrets of the City’s Today’s Talk.

Twin Cities Daily Planet is by nature an aggregator but doesn’t concentrate so much on the news cycle.

Who am I missing? Let me know and I’ll add ’em to the local agg-roll.

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  1. I’d never heard of Newsbobber.com until recently, but it’s a pure MN-centric news aggregator that isn’t running advertising.

    They also seem to have my blog ranked VERY low, so I guess they understand the difference between content and aggregation. (That or a low tolerance for f-bombs.)

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