As most of the local media world knows by now, AM1500 program director Steve Konrad was critically injured in a ludicrously unlikely motorcycle crash Thursday evening. A mattress slid off a truck on I-94, and a car ahead of Konrad’s bike swerved to miss it, but Steve wasn’t so lucky.

The question all of his friends have this morning is, will Steve make it? I just got off the phone with Hubbard Broadcasting exec Dan Seeman, who repeatedly used the word “hopeful.”

Here are the details: Steve’s biggest threat is bleeding on the brain. (He also broke a wrist, hand and collarbone.) Seeman says doctors measure brain trauma on a scale, and when you get up to 20, it’s “concerning.” Steve’s at a 4, and the pressure on his brain is not increasing. Thank God he was wearing a helmet.

Seeman adds that although Steve is heavily sedated, when the Region’s Hospital doctors cut back on pain meds to assess his condition, he was able to feel pain. That’s actually a good sign.

Steve is a former colleague of mine, and was one of the most supportive bosses I ever had. Seeman says there’s not much the rest of us can do to help at this point, but knowing Steve, I’m sure he would welcome prayers and positive thoughts.

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  1. “Thank God he was wearing a helmet.”
    You can say that again and again and… I hope for a full recovery.

  2. Here’s hoping for the best. As a motorcycle rider myself, no matter how careful and aware a rider you may be, obstacles and hazards abound.

    In the last couple of weeks, I have seen two instances of cars using their roof to move a mattress on the shoulder of a freeway, trying to secure it down.

    As the sergeant in the 80’s TV show “Hill Street Blues” used to say to his squad at the end of roll call in the first segment of each episode, “Let’s be careful out there.”

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