Incumbents always have their campaign engines idling. In our political system, where the big spender is often the big winner, that means keeping the piggy bank full. Minnesota’s House incumbents are doing just that, and we’ve visualized the cash on hand for each congressional district’s incumbent. For a full analysis, see MinnPost Washington correspondent Devin Henry’s post on just-released Federal Election Commission data — just scroll past the Bachmann stuff, it is all there, including the fundraising accomplishments of the challengers so far, which has been minimal, with a few exceptions.

Click on any district to see piggy bank status and fundraising numbers for 2011 (through the 3rd Quarter, which ended on September 30).

Note: There is no active candidate in the 6th District just yet, but be assured Michele Bachmann will bring her money with her if she decides to run for this lesser office.

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