The map below shows the percentage of population below the poverty line by ZIP code alongside locations of payday lenders in the Minnesota.

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Zipcode data provided by The US Census Bureau Tiger Lines. Poverty level data provided by The US Census Fact Finder. Payday lender data provided by The MN Department of Commerce. Code, data, and techniques can be found on Github.






% of the population
below the poverty line.


Percent of population below poverty
0 5 10 15 20 25+

Location of Payday Lender:


(function($, w, undefined) { var config = { mapID: ‘map-payday-lending-poverty’, mapJSONP: ‘’, center: [46.52863469527167, -94.680175781254], zoom: 6, zoomMax: 15, zoomBoxOptions: { place: [44.95, -93.22], zoom: 10, title: ‘Zoom into the Twin Cities metro area.’ }, popupZoom: 12, circleR: { 0: 2, 7: 4, 8: 6, 10: 8, 11: 10 }, circleSyle: { stroke: false, color: ‘#0069E0’, weight: 1, opacity: .9, fill: true, fillColor: ‘#0069E0’, fillOpacity: 0.7 }, tooltipSelector: ‘.tooltip-container’, templates: { popup: $(‘#template-popup’).html(), tooltipContainer: $(‘#template-tooltip-container’).html(), tooltip: $(‘#template-tooltip’).html(), legend: $(‘#template-legend’).html() } }; var dataDir = ‘../data/’; var imagesDir = ‘./images/’;

// Determine if we should use remote resources if (‘localhost’) === -1) { dataDir = ‘’; imagesDir = ‘’; }

// Determine radius given zoom var getRadius = function(zoom) { var radius = 1;

// This is probably not the best way to do this for (var i = 0; i


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  1. Something is off

    When I zoom in so I can see clearly the zip zones, I get erroneous zip codes and poverty percentages.

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