One of the largest and most controversial changes proposed in Gov. Mark Dayton’s 2014–15 budget is a broad expansion of the state sales tax — collecting numerous new taxes on goods and services. The consolation for these new taxes? The governor proposes dropping the state sales tax rate from the current 6.875 percent to 5.5 percent (the national median is 5.85 percent). The net effect of these two changes would earn over $2 billion in new revenue during the 2014–15 biennium, assuming the sales tax changes go into effect January 1, 2014.

In the coming months at the Legislature, much debate will focus on just what goods and services should be taxed and how those changes will affect businesses and individuals in Minnesota. Below, you have the opportunity to design your own sales tax policy. Can you raise enough revenue to plug the budget gap while leaving your favorite services untaxed?

Click on the categories listed to exempt them from or include them in the sales tax revenue. Use the slider on top to adjust the overall tax rate. The totals at the bottom of the screen will change as you create your custom tax plan. (Note: Since sales tax changes will go into effect after January 1, 2014 — six months into the 2014–15 biennium — the amounts below reflect expected tax receipts over 18 months.)

[raw shortcodes=1]

Total dollar amounts are rounded to nearest thousands. Data compiled from the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Code, techniques, and data on Github.



Total raised:
Difference from Dayton’s budget proposal:





// Add some utility functions to underscore _.mixin({ numCommas: function(number) { number += ”; var x = number.split(‘.’); var x1 = x[0]; var x2 = x.length > 1 ? ‘.’ + x[1] : ”; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, ‘$1’ + ‘,’ + ‘$2’); } return x1 + x2; }, roundThousand: function(number) { return Math.round(number / 1000) * 1000; }, numCurrency: function(number) { return ‘$’ + this.numCommas(number.toFixed(2)); }, numCurrencyThousand: function(number, type) { var prefix = ‘$’; prefix = (type === ‘positive’) ? ‘+$’ : (type === ‘negative’) ? ‘-$’ : prefix;

return prefix + this.numCommas(this.roundThousand(Math.abs(number))); }, boolString: function(bool) { return (bool) ? ‘true’ : ‘false’; }, stringBool: function(string) { return (string && string !== ‘false’) ? true : false; } });

(function($, w, undefined) { var dataDir = ‘’; var spreadsheetID = ‘0Ata43HM8s_nadFNRa2dKbHZ1QzhleHJPMHNEeHQ2bVE’; var idCounter = 1; var taxData; var taxRate = 0.055; var currentTotal = 952654499.95; var daytonTotal = 952654499.95;

// Check if we are on localhost if (‘localhost’) > -1) { dataDir = ‘./data/’; }

$(document).ready(function() { var templates = { loading: _.template($(‘#template-loading’).html()), game: _.template($(‘#template-game’).html()), taxOptions: _.template($(‘#template-tax-options’).html()), moreInfo: _.template($(‘#template-more-info’).html()) }; var $appContainer = $(‘#game-container’);

// Mark as loading $appContainer.html(templates.loading({}));

// Calculate total var calculateTotal = function() { var total = 0; var diff = 0; var $diff = $(‘.total-diff’); var type = null;

_.each(taxData, function(d) { total += (d.on) ? d.base * taxRate : 0; }); diff = total – daytonTotal; currentTotal = total;

// Show total $(‘.total-raised’).html(_.numCurrencyThousand(total));

// Show diff if (diff.toFixed(2) == 0) { $diff.removeClass(‘positive’).removeClass(‘negative’); } else if (diff = totalB) && $total.hasClass(‘glued’)) { $total.removeClass(‘glued’); } }); // Initial trigger $(w).scroll(); };

// Main function once data is loaded var buildGame = function(data, tabletop) { taxData = _.sortBy(data, function(d) { return d.base * -1; });

$appContainer.html({ })); $(‘.tax-options-container’).html(templates.taxOptions({ taxes: taxData })); buildSlider();

// Get total and store, then use that to find diff daytonTotal = calculateTotal(); calculateTotal(); updateTaxRates();

handleEvents(); };

// Get data from spreadsheet Tabletop.init({ key: spreadsheetID, simpleSheet: true, callback: buildGame, postProcess: function(row) { row.base = parseFloat(row.base); = idCounter; row.on = true;

idCounter++; } }); }); })(jQueryCustom, window); }(jQuery));


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  1. Ginny

    It would be helpful if you would provide more detailed information. How does it work out that there is 0 (zero) change from current revenues? Or is there? Or am I misunderstanding this?

    1. Get to “no change”

      You can get to the “no-change” state (if tax rate and items taxed remained the same), if you click on Current Tax Rate, then click on Select None, then click on the item marked “Items currently taxed”.

  2. Can we put farm machinery and agricultural inputs on the table?


    Though it is not discussed in the Governor’s proposal for obvious political reasons – and he is something of a political animal – can you add “Farm Machinery” (see Revenue Department Sales & Use Fact Sheet 106) and “Agricultural Production Inputs” (SUT Fact Sheet 100) as separate categories.

    From the 1999 Sales & Use Tax Newsletter:

    Currently the tax rate on new farm
    machinery and logging equipment
    and new and used aquaculture
    production is one percent.
    Beginning July 1, 2000, they will
    be exempt.”

    How would this consideration change the broader debate?

    Also, note that there appears to be a dearth of discussion in both income tax and property tax (classification) where agriculture producers appear to benefit greatly from Minnesota’s pro-ag tax policies?

    In a 21st Century Economy and 21st Century Tax System, should these be on the table, fellow Minnesotans?

    ~Bob Helland
    onemantaxplan @

  3. Another excellent tool by the way: Minnpost rocks!

    The further I can separate my local news and Facebook comments, the saner I will be and the more fulfilling my life will be. Thank you for providing these tools and this medium of conversation compared to your local competitors. But… your comment moderation could be accelerated as one constructive criticism.


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