In a new ad released Wednesday, the Clark campaign continues to mock the Bachmann “Jim the Election Guy” ads. Clark uses real guys named Jim who live in the 6th District (and as they recite their lines, you know they’re not actors) in what one presumes is an effort to make the Bachmann ad campaign seem phony and scripted.

At the end, they raise a couple of issues and attack themes other than who’s an actor and who isn’t. They revisit remarks Bachmann made about BP (that Obama administration demands that BP set aside billions into a fund to compensate victims of the oil spill were “extortion”) and they mention Bachmann votes that the Jims say were sympathetic to Wall Street and other big shots, all suggesting, as one Jim says, that Bachmann “works for the wrong people.”

Like the Bachmann “Jim” ads, Clark seems to be inclined for now to embed her dark message in a light frame. I notice the new MN Forward ad against Mark Dayton also tries to couch its attack in a light-hearted frame, using cute kids. I guess this is a major idea of the moment in political advertising.

Anyway, here’s the new Clark ad:

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