Those desperate for tea leaves to read about whether Michele Bachmann is serious about running president will want to note that she told CNN that she would soon visit New Hampshire. She also declared that New Hampshire’s motto: “Live Free or Die,” is her fave.

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  1. Of course Rep. Bachmann loves that slogan only in the bumper sticker sense.

    She has NO idea what it’s origins, nor, if it came down to that, could she actually successfully defend her freedom with a firearm (rather, she would run screaming, or surrender). We can only pray that she never needs to do either.

    Talk is cheap, especially when it’s demagoguery flowing out of the mouth of someone who knows she’ll never have to live up to her bumper sticker slogans.

    But doesn’t she sound brave to all those armchair patriots who so admire her!

  2. … as long as that “freedom” doesn’t include the freedom to make reproductive choices in accordance with one’s own social, spiritual and moral views. Right Michelle?

  3. Can anyone….ANYONE…..tell me what she has done for us here in the 6th District? I think her bumber sticker should read,”‘Live Free (of congessional representation) or Die (waiting for her to do anything)'”

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