Just a brief, humorous follow-up to my post of this morning about Gen. James Mattis, who finally decided to say a few of the many critical things about Trump that he might have said over recent years, especially after leaving the Trump Cabinet. 

Back in October, almost a year after Mattis had left the Cabinet where he had served as secretary of defense, back when Mattis was still observing a period of declining to criticize Trump, Trump decided to opine that he viewed Mattis as “the world’s most overrated general.”

Mattis, who had been invited to deliver the keynote speech at the annual Al Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York, was asked about Trump’s insult. He replied, with good humor that: 

I am honored to be considered that by Donald Trump because he also called Meryl Streep an overrated actress. So I guess I’m the Meryl Streep of generals. And frankly, that sounds pretty good to me. And you do have to admit, that between me and Meryl, at least we’ve had some victories.

If you have any interest in watching the general deliver this quip, a short video of it in embedded in this link to coverage of the October 2019 event from Military Times. 

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  1. Was VERY glad General Mattis raised his voice against Trump’s presidential misconduct

    He has credibility earned by very few others.

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