Painting by Frank B. Mayer, a witness to the negotiations and signing of the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux, 1885.

Tim Pugmire at MPR News has the story on the report released on Monday regarding some of the Capitol building’s more controversial paintings: “The art subcommittee of the state Capitol Preservation Commission released a final report Monday that calls for removing the paintings Father Hennepin at the Falls of St. Anthony and The Treaty of Traverse des Sioux from the governor’s reception room. The panel recommends relocating both elsewhere within the Capitol, but it does not suggest new locations.”

Jeremy Olson at the Star Tribune reports on how the Minneapolis VA Medical Center is trying to uncover the origins of Gulf War veterans’ chronic illness: “Today, researchers at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center are leading a wave of studies to solve the mystery of Gulf War Illness, a cluster of unexplained symptoms reported by 25 to 65 percent of the 700,000 soldiers deployed to the Gulf in 1990 and 1991. They have identified genetic markers that could improve tests and treatment, one of the most significant advances in years, and started a clinical trial on a promising prescription drug.”

Kyle Stock at Bloomberg shares how Hormel took on the task of attracting a more diverse and more-youthful American consumer: “Around 2007, Hormel quietly embarked on a venture that would take it deeper than it had ever been into the cupboards and kitchens of Americans, many of them immigrants, many of them young. It led to a series of acquisitions and a blitz of research and development that helped round out its pantry of products and inoculate it against the fickle modern food trends of a kale-and-quinoa world. One of the first things it did was hire an anthropologist.

Peter Sieve at the Heavy Table interviews celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern following the restaurant mag’s less-than-stellar review of his AZ Canteen’s new sandwich unveiled at a Target Field food preview: “No one should get a shitty sandwich with my name on it. I don’t care where you are; I don’t care where I’m serving it …” Other topics covered in the piece include Zimmern’s brand, the local food scene, his various businesses, and eating bugs.

In other news…

Dueling developers: “Neighborhood, city split on rival plans for Mill District site” [Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal]

Así pues, ¡enhorabuena! Vikings wide receiver Moritz Böhringer and other athletes are finally getting accent marks on their jerseys [Mental Floss]

You be you, St. Paul: “Biggest complaint about St. Paul’s new streetlamps: too bright” [Pioneer Press]

Head up to Duluth, and bring your wallet: “Big business expected to follow Tall Ships” [KQDS]

That’s cold: “At Travail, thieves flip the AC switch” [Star Tribune]

Seeing red, feeling blue: “Minnesota environmental group wants in on Red River diversion appeal” [MPR News]

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  1. The more accurate term

    Accents are just one type of a diacritical mark, which includes the umlaut in Moritz’s last name.

  2. No Reservations in this Preservation?

    “The art subcommittee of the state Capitol Preservation Commission..” Uh Huh.

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