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During member drives, we do a lot of talking about ourselves to try to motivate you to donate to MinnPost. Right now, I’d like to let our donors speak for us. Here’s why readers like you have chosen to support MinnPost.

Northfield – Good journalism needs to be protected and preserved as a scarce and diminishing resource.

Minneapolis – All the things important to me are also the things important to MinnPost, so I know I only need to stop in one place to know what’s happening in my home town.

Edina –   I read MinnPost every day and have come to rely on its coverage on a variety of issues. I want to make sure it continues to be a high quality news source for Minnesota.

Shoreview – Thanks for your coverage of the Minnesota Orchestra tragedy, MinnPost seems to be the only outlet able to speak truth to power.

Carbondale, IL – I’m a Minnesota native and have come to rely on MinnPost’s reporting to keep abreast of issues at home. I also love Beth Hawkins’ ‘Learning Curve’ coverage.

We’ve received donations from all over the state and beyond. From Minneapolis and St. Paul, Afton, Circle Pines, and Red Wing. From Chicago and Arlington, Virginia. Wherever you live, if you read MinnPost, please support us.

Support MinnPost by becoming a sustaining member today!

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