With about 36 hours left in MinnPost’s summer member drive, we only need one new sustainer per hour to meet our goal of 100 new sustainers by July 31.

As of this morning we had 66 new sustainers plus 49 one-time donations. 

They’re doing their part. Please do yours!

The comments below are reprinted with permission.

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“Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” (Louis Brandeis, Harpers Magazine, 1913) — Steve Miles, Minneapolis

Doing my part. Read all the time when I want the honest-to-goodness complete story. — Amy Beth Stenson Kujawski, St. Paul 

Good journalism should be supported so it keeps happening. — Ryan Olson, Minneapolis

I really appreciate MinnPost for its in-depth journalism and independent voice. Well worth supporting! — Ellen Bendewald, Minneapolis

I have read a few of the issues and was impressed. I am a transplanted MN resident living in FL and find it interesting to see what is going on. — Barbara Tracy, Ormond Beach, FL

Good reporting deserves support. — Jacques and Mary Koppel, Pasadena, CA

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