Since MinnPost’s summer member drive began Tuesday morning, more than 40 readers have made a contribution, including 11 sustaining members who have upgraded their memberships to help us reach our goal.

To all those who have given, THANK YOU!

We are especially grateful for our monthly recurring donors, who together provide MinnPost with its most stable revenue stream.

Throughout this campaign, we’re thanking readers who make an ongoing commitment to MinnPost of $10/month or more with a pair of specially-designed MinnPost pint glasses.

We hope to inspire just over a hundred more readers to make a gift in support of MinnPost’s work before the drive ends next Thursday.

Donate now

Below are comments from some of the readers who have given this week, reprinted with permission. 


I enjoy reading the sports, arts, political news especially, but generally all the journalism and writing are reasons for me to click on MinnPost at least once daily. – W.W. Kennedy, St. Paul

I am a news junkie and like the way you cover Minnesota news. – Bruce Larson, Minneapolis

Thoughtful, insightful assessment of what is happening in our state. Thank you. – Donn Poll & Eric Nelson, Tucson, AZ

Journalists who take seriously the responsibility that comes with being in the only profession specifically protected by the US Constitution. – Stephen & Catherine Barnett Wilson, St. Paul

Best and most complete news on Minnesota, particularly greater Minnesota. – Brynhild Rowberg, Northfield

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