Today is the final day of MinnPost’s 2017 campaign in support of Earth Journal and critical environmental reporting.

If you count on MinnPost’s coverage, please consider making a gift today. Your support ensures Earth Journal’s unique reporting and analysis remains strong in 2017.

Over the past 20 days, more than 40 donors have made gifts totaling $5,422. Over a third of these gifts have come from readers making their first gift to MinnPost.

Thank you to the members who have made contributions this month in support of this important work. Below are comments from some of them.

Join them with a contribution today, and when you do, please share with us why you support MinnPost.

Donate now

Here’s what a few of the readers who contributed during this campaign had to say about why they support MinnPost:

Minnesota’s natural resources are unique; they help define us as Minnesotans. Resource development must be responsible, sustainable and carried out for the greatest public good. Your reporting helps us be responsible stewards of our state’s precious natural resources. – Michael & Melinda Spry, Nevis


Journalism with integrity, multiple community perspectives, and writing with great style are all reasons to support MinnPost. Adam Flett, St. Paul

We need independent journalism as we always do, and even more now. – Helen Hunt, St. Paul

I give to MinnPost mostly to support good journalism. And for the emphasis on local issues. – Judy Finger, Apple Valley

Love your detailed local coverage and the fact that you do focused reporting on MN and national environmental issues which are so critical in our changing (and polluted) environment. – Mary Salisbury, Minneapolis

I give to support reliable, local journalism that informs. – Sandy Roggenkamp, Duluth

Earth Journal Circle Founders

We are grateful for the support of the following individuals and foundations, who have pledged multi-year support in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 per year since 2011.

Edward R. Bazinet Foundation Lorna and Tom Gleason
David Winton Bell Foundation Jim Lenfestey
Wendy Bennett Jane Mauer
Bill and Sharon Clapp Rolf and Lindy Westgard
Jay and Page Cowles Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal
Jack and Claire Dempsey Bob and Pat Tammen
Peter and Mary Gove Design Forty Five
Kathy Jones Penny Winton
Martin and Brown Foundation

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