So far in the Fall Member Drive, 49 generous readers have stepped forward in support of MinnPost’s insightful news and expert analysis of the issues facing Minnesota.

A big thank you to everyone who has given during the drive or who already supports MinnPost as a member. Our nonprofit newsroom relies on member support to deliver the in-depth coverage of state and local politics and the policies shaping the future of our communities.

We need 76 more donations to hit our goal of 125 gifts before the drive ends on Thursday.

Donate now

Member support at any level is vital to MinnPost’s work. Those who join as Gold members with an ongoing commitment of $10/month receive:

  • Free admission to MinnPost Social events

  • Presale and discounts on tickets to our two major events: MinnRoast and our Anniversary Celebration (like when we mark our 10th year on Oct. 13!)

  • A one-year subscription to The Atlantic

  • Cool thank-you gifts, like a special MinnPost mug or water bottle

A contribution of any amount makes a difference and allows MinnPost to stay on top of the stories that matter to readers and the future of the state. Those who value that work are encouraged to give during the drive and to share why they value MinnPost’s work.


Here are just a few comments supporters have shared so far during the drive, reprinted with permission:

Thanks for doing a thorough and thoughtful job on reporting on issues that impact Minnesotans!  — Catherine Lundoff, Minneapolis

MinnPost provides excellent local independent journalism, plus a bit of welcome snark.  — Charles Carlin, Northfield

Quality journalism has always mattered; today it’s more crucial than ever.  — Marsha Collins, St. Paul

Best source of real news that is not ratings/ad revenue driven.  — Gerry Tucker, Maple Grove

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