We’re in the final days of 2017 and the Year-End Drive. So far, we’ve received donations from over 400 readers, adding up to $51,021 of support for our nonprofit newsroom. A big thanks to those who’ve already given.

To hit our goal of $75,000 before midnight on December 31, we need to raise $23,979. We’re confident we can do it, and here’s why: we know MinnPost readers care about high-quality journalism that focuses on the issues that matter.


That kind of in-depth coverage is at the heart of MinnPost’s work, which is only possible thanks to tax-deductible donations of all shapes and sizes that we receive from readers.

Readers who want to help us hit our goal and keep our nonprofit newsroom going strong in 2018 are encouraged to make a year-end contribution by December 31.

We always ask supporters why they give to MinnPost. Below is just a sampling of recent comments, which we’re sharing with permission.

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Real news is important to me. MinnPost is convenient and local, and the writing/reporting is excellent. Keep up the good work! –Lynne Hardey, Golden Valley

We need accurate, independent news now more than ever. –David & Sue Crockett, Minneapolis

I value the professional journalism that goes into MinnPost. I also value the Minnesota news, especially the insight into Minnesota politics. –Richard Blake, Grand Rapids

You guys are smart. I saw you wallop those TPT folks last night. Plus I enjoy the more in-depth coverage you give to an issue. –Sharon Coombs, Shoreview

A great daily look at politics, arts, culture, education and the environment. Provides new insights and the story behind the story. –Doug Stone, St. Paul

I really enjoy reading the news, and I like the fact that MinnPost offers a different perspective on local news. –Sean Benson, Orono

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