You can’t beat MinnPost for in-depth reporting on the complex issues facing Minnesota.  — Nick Magrino, MinnPost Member

We agree, Nick. And clearly, many others do as well.

Every month, hundreds of thousands of readers engage with the issues facing Minnesota through MinnPost’s in-depth, nuanced reporting. They’re able to access our local news coverage free of charge, thanks to the support we receive from 3,000+ member households.

So, doing the math, if everyone reading this message right now made a donation, we’d not only hit our goal of 125 donations for the Spring Member Drive, we’d hit our goal for the whole year. 

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If you, like Nick, value our in-depth coverage of local news, will you support it with a member donation right now?

When you do, you can also tell us why you appreciate and support MinnPost. In addition to Nick’s comment above, here are a few more from those who’ve given during the current drive:


Your writers are quick, wry, historically savvy and keep me on my toes. Paying for their work is important for them and for respecting and preserving the honorable tradition of journalism.  — Jon Skaalen, Stillwater

I appreciate getting Minnesota news covered in-depth and reading stories about my state that I see nowhere else.  — Linda Partridge, St. Cloud

I have been planning to support MinnPost for a while now because of the local political news you can’t get anywhere else.  — Christopher Wlaschin, Minneapolis

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