You can tell a lot about a person by how they spend their time and what causes they support. We’re inspired to know our readers give a damn about Minnesota just as much as we do. Even more, we’re grateful to those who make the work of our nonprofit newsroom possible with their financial support.

A big thanks to the 39 generous people who’ve given in the first three days of the Summer Member Drive. We’re working toward the goal of 150 new/renewing members by June 30, which will unlock a bonus $3,000 Challenge Fund to support our newsroom.

Will you help us get there with a donation right now? Your support provides the resources our reporters need to take you beyond horserace coverage and deep into the real issues facing our state.


Donations of any amount are essential to MinnPost’s work. Those who give during the drive are encouraged to let us know why. Here are just a few of the reasons members have support MinnPost during the drive so far:


I appreciate that you take the time to go in-depth on many stories that are otherwise overlooked or underreported. Keep up the great work — proud to be a supporter! — Becky Siekmeier, Grant

More essential in 2018 than ever before in our history!!! — Nancy Rockafellar, Pillager

MinnPost is the most convenient way for me to get news about what’s happening locally and all around the state. — Sandy Roggenkamp, Duluth

Quality reporting is essential in today’s political environment. We need an independent press to be informed citizens. — Kathleen Ferguson Quinn, Lakeland


Thank you for reading and supporting our nonprofit newsroom!

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