Supporters donate $20,414 to MinnPost on Give to the Max Day

We love Minnesota, and if Give to the Max Day is any evidence, it’s clear you do, too.

Minnesotans will donate in likely record-setting numbers to nonprofits and schools across the state today, providing much-needed philanthropic investments in their communities.

As a nonprofit newsroom, MinnPost believes our public-service journalism is essential to understanding Minnesota and making it even better.

But our journalists need your support to make that work possible. If you believe in and value our reporting, will you donate to MinnPost at today?

And we have up to $5,000 in matching funds available, doubling your donation and your impact.

Added together, donations from readers like you provide the largest source of funding for our newsroom. If you believe in independent journalism and the vital role it plays in Minnesota’s future, will you include us in your Give to the Max Day giving plans?


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