Donate today!Whether you come to MinnPost to understand a specific issue or you like reading articles on numerous topics, we’re here for you, the reader. Our goal is to keep you informed on the people, policies, and culture shaping our state. This means pulling back the curtain on some of the biggest issues facing Minnesota to show you what’s going on behind the scenes. At our best, we take you beyond the headlines and deep into the significant political news affecting Minnesota.

But we can’t do this critical work alone. We’ve been able to produce our best reporting day in and day out because thousands of readers like you have stepped up to make our work possible with financial contributions. With your help, we can continue to deliver our best possible journalism.

We need to hear from 150 new/renewing members by Sept. 20 to ensure we’re fully funded as we head into the last quarter of 2019. Will you pitch in to support the independent, nonprofit newsroom you depend on?


Together, we can ensure that Minnesota gets the high-quality, independent journalism it needs. Your gift, in any amount, makes a difference. Will you support nonprofit journalism today?

THANK YOU to the many readers who already donated during the first couple of days of the drive! When members donate, we always ask them why they’re inspired to do so. Here are a few recent responses:

“I can count on your coverage being even-handed and unbiased.” — Diane Norland, North Mankato

“Free media is one of the cornerstones of a great democracy.” — Anonymous donor, St. Paul

“I want to continue to support solid journalism done with integrity.” — Brian Crist, Prescott

“It’s the best source for in-depth Minnesota news.” — Laura Honan, St. Paul


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