#GivingNewsDayYou might know that today is Giving Tuesday, but at MinnPost, we like to call it #GivingNewsDay. That’s because we believe that supporting independent journalism is a key way to make a difference in our community on this philanthropic day.

With a donation to MinnPost today, you’ll help us:

– Hold our elected officials accountable.

– Analyze the new balance of power at the statehouse.

– Explore how policy decisions affect everyday Minnesotans.

– Explain our state’s complex challenges and opportunities.

Independent journalism upholds democracy, and we can’t do this work without you. Will you join us with a tax-deductible gift today?


We also believe that reporting about our community should be available to all of the people who live there, not just those who can afford it. That’s why we make our journalism completely free to access.

Will you make a donation now to help keep this community asset thriving?

Here’s what some recent donors have told us about why they chose to give to MinnPost:

“Excellent journalism! Unique perspective. Really appreciate the news in my inbox.” Susan & Jeff, Grand Rapids

“MinnPost does a great job covering the city and state.” — Christine, Minneapolis

“MinnPost does an excellent job of informing me what’s going on in Minnesota.” — Kel, St. Paul

“I love the local as well as the overall Minnesota news coverage. And, in my opinion, your journalists, columnists and overall staff do a great job as a news organization.” — Robert, St. Paul

Donations of all sizes add up to fund our nonprofit newsroom. Will you give $100 (or any amount that feels right!) right now to support independent, local journalism?


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