In a skit with a Michele Bachmann character, “Saturday Night Live” offered its own version last night of what happened when Rep. Joe Wilson yelled to President Obama, “You lie!”

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  1. I was lucky that “Saturday Night Live” Thursday night was broadcast here in Canada on a signal from within the province of Ontario. It was exciting. The lead-in political send-up was funny and the Weekend Update duo were generally good-natured. Kristen Wiig as Madonna was particularly devastating as a comic characterization. The boys of Saturday Night Live cheered me up–I get scared of live television, I should do some to confront my fears. Thursday’s “Saturday Night Live” was a whizbang half hour of TV. I know, I know, it’s crazy watching this from a seaport like St. Catharines–I need to get a passport so I can get across the border legally and see some of the action for myself. Looking forward to more.

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