God bless the whole world — no exceptions

from TC Jewfolk by Chris Bargeron

I let out my breath and instinctively laid on the horn for a good three seconds, with an extra toot for good measure. It was not my greatest moment. As I finished sounding the horn, feeling very little satisfaction but having expended my frustration, I noticed the sticker affixed to the center of the Prius’s bumper: God Bless The Whole World. No Exceptions.

The politics of The Dark Knight Rises: more complex and less ideological than you might think

from Brick City Blog by Sean Olsen

Pontificating on the politics of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises has become a cottage industry almost as large as the movie itself.  Wading into the politics of a superhero movie is an exercise probably doomed for failure, but trying to make something political out of The Dark Knight Rises is one’s duty as a pundit or blogger, so here goes nothing.


Low- and middle-income Minnesotans would pay for $30 billion business tax cut

from Minnesota Budget Bites by Christina Wessel

The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would make it more challenging for low- and middle-income families moving up the income ladder to purchase affordable health insurance.

Business is business — the new sacred cow

from mnpACT! Progressive Political Blog by Dave Mindeman

For some reason political rhetoric has moved into the idea that business has to have preferences because they are such a key part of the economy that any extra expense for them is unacceptable.

How in the world did we get to that?

The NRA’s political silencer

from Wry Wing Politics by Joe Loveland

“You’re using this tragedy to your political advantage.”

That’s the standard line used any time a politician discusses ways to reduce the odds of tragedies like the Batman massacre occurring.

Is autoimmune disease reaching epidemic proportions?

from The Savvy Celiac by Amy Leger

A recent story in the Utah-based Standard-Examiner says I am not alone.  ”There has been an unexplainable increase in incidents of celiac disease, lupus and Type 1 diabetes, ” Virginia T. Ladd, president and executive director of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association told the newspaper.

Debunking myths of running races

from Beth Blair’s blog

For those of you who are hesitant to enter a race, I know how you feel. First races can be intimidating. In fact, stepping into any unknown territory can be unsettling. For some people the race course is a natural setting. Maybe they ran track in high school or grew up in a household of runners. Then there’s people like me who considered the entire sport a bit of a mystery. But what I’ve discovered is…running is what we make of it.

Cherry season: it’s all over but the pie

from My Northern Garden by Mary Schier

This spring I blogged several times about my ‘Bali’ cherry tree and my efforts to prevent the blossoms from freezing during our warm/cold/warm/cold April. I’m happy to report that many of the cherries did survive and, in some ways, I had a significant harvest, most of which I pulled off the tree earlier in July.

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