It’s a sign that Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has totally permeated popular culture when she made David Letterman’s Top Ten List on Tuesday night.

It didn’t seem particularly funny, and Letterman kept calling her Michele O’Bachmann, apparently a play on the president’s name. But people are talking.

Top Ten Signs There’s Already Trouble at Michele Bachmann Campaign Headquarters

10. Staff spends 50% of time researching facts, other 50% explaining to Michele she got the facts wrong
9. Supply room is down to its last industrial-sized bucket of mascara
8. All the “Romney 2012” bumper stickers
7. They’re putting a lot of emphasis on campaigning in Canada
6. Latest strategy: X-ray Bachmann’s ass to prove it’s real
5. The place is crawling with raccoons
4. Already filling out application for “Dancing With the Stars”
3. She’s insisting the pilgrims came to this country to escape Queen Latifah
2. Everyone’s under the impression the election’s in 2013
1. Most commonly heard phrase: “Huh?”

The last couple of nights, Letterman seemed to be angling to get Bachmann as a guest. Will she bite?

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