Congresswoman Michele Bachmann may be planting her presidential hopes deep in the Iowa soil, but she’s getting around the rest of the country a bit, too.

On Thursday, she’s scheduled to attend events in North Carolina, says the Charlotte Observer.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry will be there, too.

Bachmann’s Thursday plans:

  • 12:30 p.m.: Fundraiser — with proceeds going to the North Carolina Republican Party. Entry fee for “An All-American Barbecue” at Troutman’s Barbecue in Concord: $40 per person. Sponsors will pay $500 per couple.
  • 2 p.m.:  Roundtable discussion of economic issues with business executives at event hosted by the Charlotte Chamber.
  • At 2:45 p.m.: Answer questions from news media.

Perry has a $1,000-per-person lunch and speech fundraiser in Charlotte Thursday; for $2,500, there’s a VIP reception and picture with the candidate.

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