Last month, we told you about plans for a Michele Bachmann action figure — a Barbie/GI Joe-sized doll modeled after Minnesota’s own conservative Congresswoman.

Doll maker — also known for dolls modeled after President Obama, Joe Wilson, Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin — now has the Bachmann figure for sale.

But apparently not many Minnpost readers, nor many other non-readers, have responded to the offer.

The company has sold only 50, says a report from MPR.

“I’ll tell you this, she’s no Sarah Palin,” said Emil Vicale, CEO of HeroBuilders.

He said the company’s action figure depicting Republican Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and former vice presidential candidate, sold 10,000 units within 24 hours of its debut.

The $34.95 Bachmann action figure also shares the catalog with former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, (a $149.95 limited edition figure), Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (sporting a t-shirt that reads “Let them eat yellow cake”), Joe the Plumber (with his own custom-made crow bar), and a talking Joe Wilson, among others.

Vicale said he had hoped the business-suit-clad Bachmann figure would draw buyers from around the nation, but so far about 90 percent of the sales have come from Minnesota.

Despite the slow sales, the company plans to keep the Bachmann figures in stock.

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