In an interview with Bloomberg Television in Moscow, Russian deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov encouraged President-elect Barack Obama to normalize relations with Iran in order to reach an agreement over that country’s nuclear program. Judith Perera, the editor of McCloskey NuclearBusiness, also reports a panel of American diplomats is advising Obama against further military and economic threats against Iran. “Threats are not cowing Iran and the current regime in Tehran is not in imminent peril,” according to the report. Read more news surrounding the recent International Atomic Energy Agency summit here.

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  1. The IAEA found NO evidence of a clandestine weapons program in 12 or 13 unannounced inspections of Iran’s nuclear energy plant development. Nor did ANY US intelligence agency find any such evidence, according to their last report.

    Like the WMD we somehow never did find, I am sure that the so-called weapons program is a fiction created by neo-con followers of their now-dead plan to create world peace by taking it over ourselves. (Israeli hawks also also believe Iran seeks such weapons, but that does not make it true, either.)

    We should thank Russia for its efforts to help return our foreign policy to sanity.

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