Researchers in Germany have come up with yet another weapon in the battle against looking your age. Using a combination of high-intensity light from light-emitting diodes and an antioxidant found in green tea, the scientists were able to reduce the facial wrinkles in people who were treated daily for one month.

The combination treatment resulted in “less pronounced wrinkle levels, shorter wrinkle valleys, and juvenile complexion,” said the scientists from the Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials at the University of Ulm in southern Germany. While the result of the process is younger looking skin, what the scientists were really trying to understand was “the protective function of the skin acid mantle, new predictive insight into effects of reactive oxygen species on interfacial water layers, and their implication in processes of biological aging.”

The study will appear in the October issue of the journal Crystal Growth and Design.

Jim Dawson reports for Inside Science News Service, which is supported by the American Institute of Physics, a not-for-profit publisher of scientific journals.

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