We’re happy to make our stories available for republication under an attribution-noncommercial-no-derivatives Creative Commons license, provided you follow our republishing guidelines, which require that you credit MinnPost and retain our tracking pixel. Our full republication guidelines are below.

If you have questions, email feedback@minnpost.com.

Give us credit

Please publish the author’s name using the following format: “Author Name, MinnPost.”

At the top of the story text, please include the following: “This story was originally published by MinnPost,” and link to the original story URL in that text.

Changes to the story

You can’t edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style, e.g. changing references to “today” to “yesterday.” If you make changes that are more significant than style tweaks — shortening a story or adding local context — please include a note such as: “This story has been edited for length.”

Photos and graphics

You can republish our photos and graphics as long as you’re running them on the stories with which they originally appeared. If you want to run a photo or graphic apart from that story, you must seek permission. (We don’t always have the copyrights). Email Corey Anderson (canderson@minnpost.com) for assistance.

Internal links

You must include all the internal links associated with the story you want to republish.

Monetizing our stories

Do not sell ads against one of our stories, though you can put our stories on pages with ads. You may not syndicate our stories, including publishing our work on platforms and apps like Apple News or Google News. And you may not state or imply that donations to your organization support MinnPost (though you can ask for donations for your organization as you would on your other stories).

Social media

If you choose to share our stories on social media, please include attribution to MinnPost’s social media accounts: Facebook; Twitter; and Instagram.

Request to take down content

If we request that you remove our content from your site, you must agree to do so immediately. Your website must include an easy way to reach you.

Use our tracking pixel

Because we syndicate our content for free, we ask that you use our tracking pixel. This pixel only tracks who uses our content and pageviews from republication. Tracking pixels are included in the HTML code that you can copy or you can paste our pixel code into your own code. Our pixel code is linked here.

Canonical metadata

If you use canonical metadata, we ask that you use MinnPost’s URL when you republish our stories. For more information about canonical metadata and how to use it, have a look at Moz’s write up.