Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari
Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari Credit: REUTERS/ Ann Saphir

Via Reuters:  Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari says “the Federal Reserve will need to hold borrowing costs steady for an ‘extended period,’ and possibly all year.”

Fox9 reports on a recent audit released by the United States Postal Service that shows a staffing shortage and mismanagement was behind mail delays in northern Minnesota.

Associated Press reports two people and one dog were killed in a mobile home explosion in Princeton, Minnesota.

KSTP reports the owners of Hope Breakfast Bar have been warned by Attorney General Keith Ellison that they may have violated charity and solicitation laws.

MPR reports the University of Minnesota has disclosed that less than 1% of its endowment is invested in companies with Israeli ties. “As of the end of March, the University has investments into 33 Israel-based companies and eight U.S. companies of interest including defense contractors, according to a statement at the top of the document.”

Evan Ramstad at the Strib has a story on a heated city council in Minnetonka over an affordable housing plan that ended with the approval of 10 new homes.

KSTP reports Lakeville teachers have reached a tentative deal with the district just days after a strike was authorized.

Also via Star Tribune: “An ethics panel Tuesday delayed action for yet another day on the question of whether Sen. Glenn Gruenhagen violated the norms of the state Senate by sending to his 66 colleagues a link to a video about gender-affirming surgery.”