It started with this simple photo posted on Facebook by a friend with this comment: “Gift from AARP.”

What followed was the best comment string I’ve read in a while. Here’s a few choice ones:

  • We are not that old yet!
  • I’m 51 and refuse to join…..
  • Actually joining has its benefits. It is not an “old fogey” org. lol
  • I didn’t get a free gift 🙁 I did get my card though) I didn’t want to join that club 🙂
  • (From her twin sister) I am not eligible to join yet! You have to be 50 and over 🙂
  • I got my card, bag, insurance…well what do you say? denial is not healthy. lol
  • I love AARP and I use it all the time for hotels and rental cars. Been using it for years y’all!!
  • AARP is a synonym for Senior Citizen. You’re going to receive more junk mail for Seniors like crazy!
  • All come on…it’s beneficial and outside of that awful fanny pack…the benefits are GREAT! Even discounts at the movies. Besides. We’re the NEW 50 somethings…I don’t remember when I was young that 50 look as good as WE look. Ummmm maybe the phrase “when I was young”. I wonder what we look like to 20 somethings?

I’ve been throwing membership mailings from the AARP in the trash for over four years now. Why such fear and denial? The AARP is more than benefits; they also lobby for older Americans. They are on our side, and will be even more so as we age.

Yet collectively, when that dreaded membership mailing arrives just at our 50th birthdays (the first of many pitches to older people we are going to receive), we collectively scream in our heads or out loud, “BUT I’M NOT OLD YET! I DON’T LOOK LIKE MY PARENTS DID THEN. NOT AT ALL! I’M STILL HIP! NOOOOO!!!!”

Oh denial, you are such a sweet, kind friend.

Fellow baby boomers, we need to get over ourselves. We are there. We are on the young side of old. Most of us have grown kids. Many of us are grandparents. I know, it is harder to admit in our 50s and this is not a pitch to join the AARP (but I’m going to finally do it as soon as I finish this post — after checking the website they do have great benefits and you can even get deals sent to your smart phone). I’m just saying don’t be afraid of what it represents in our lives.

Then put on your best club clothes and get out there and get your dance on. So what if kids your kids’ ages (or younger) are filling the dance floor (or you bump into your actual kids there).

Now that’s not denial, that’s living!

Just make sure your heels aren’t too high so you can walk the next day.

This post was written by Ann Freeman and published on Upside My Head (Pay Attention Now)

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