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We are thrilled to announce a new $25,000 challenge grant that will match dollar for dollar any new donations to MinnPost during our year-end membership drive!

Not counting the match, to date we have received 252 contributions collectively worth $29,429, putting us well on the way to reaching our campaign goals of raising $70,000 and setting a new membership record.

The match is being provided by MinnPost board members, via our Membership Challenge Fund, to encourage those who haven’t yet chipped in to make a donation and keep our campaign momentum going.

We are grateful for all the contributions we have received so far, and the kind words that have accompanied many of them.

Some of the comments we’ve received recently are included below, with permission.

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Interesting local coverage. — Al Swintek, Maple Grove

I am a big fan of independent, high-quality journalism  something that is far less available now than in the past and which needs to be preserved. — James Utt, Maryville, Tennessee

I appreciate the in depth, quality reporting. — Josh Downham, Minneapolis

You deliver news without hype and the writers have freedom to add their personality through their slant and sarcasm and that only enriches the discussion. — Mark Voorhees and Judy Kammer, Eden Prairie


Best single daily Minnesota news analysis available. — Bill Linder-Scholer, St. Paul

Support good, accessible journalism for MN. — David Quist, Albany, New York

Good news reporting. — Carol Duff, Red Wing

Very simple: because MinnPost continues to use the best and brightest  to assist in the effort to make the sense of the non-sense! — Brian Ruhl, Minneapolis

MinnPost does local in depth reporting on important issues and individuals that are neglected by other media outlets. — Ian Rapson, Fridley

Good journalism. — Diane Hofstede, Minneapolis

Outstanding reportage; in depth AND on line — so needed. — Stephen Winnick, Minneapolis

Worthwhile journalism generally, and particularly the outstanding coverage by Peter Callaghan.David Markle, Minneapolis

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