The Otto Bremer Trust, based in St. Paul, is a private charitable trust established in 1944 by founder Otto Bremer, a successful banker and community business leader. Bremer immigrated to America from Germany in 1886, rising through the ranks of American National Bank to become its chairman. More than 80 years ago, during the Great Depression, Bremer invested in small “countryside banks,” providing support to sustain them. He believed people and communities could flourish if they had access to reliable financial resources.

His commitment to helping people and places thrive is the cornerstone of the Otto Bremer Trust’s mission. Since our inception, OBT has invested more than $600 million in organizations throughout Minnesota, North Dakota and western Wisconsin. OBT is a bank holding company that owns 92 percent of Bremer Bank, a $12 billion financial institution, and manages a diversified investment portfolio.

We are keenly aware that high-quality journalism helps foster an informed citizenry that can better understand how issues are connected and how individuals may play a role that will benefit the community. Public media plays an important role in a healthy community and we look forward to MinnPost’s coverage of economic conditions across Minnesota with the goal of engaging a broader audience.

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Editor’s note: MinnPost’s donors, foundation funders, and corporate sponsors support our work in the belief that promoting greater civic engagement and informed discourse is the surest path to a better Minnesota. These financial supporters play no role in determining what stories we cover or how we cover them.