If you’ve never ridden on Minneapolis Midtown Greenway, which cuts east-west from the Chain of Lakes to the Mississippi River, stop what you’re doing right now. Grab a bicycle and go.
If you’ve never ridden on Minneapolis Midtown Greenway, which cuts east-west from the Chain of Lakes to the Mississippi River, stop what you’re doing right now. Grab a bicycle and go. Credit: Courtesy of the Midtown Greenway Coalition

When Minneapolis Council Member Cam Gordon announced last week that “the stars are aligning; maybe this time we can get the project done,” it felt different. Standing in front of a small crowd, Gordon’s proclamation was a rare glimmer of optimism for a project about which bicyclists have long dreamed: an eastbound extension of Minneapolis’ famous Midtown Greenway.

It has always seemed like a pipe dream. The “Short Line” bridge and remaining right-of-way are still owned and operated by Canadian Pacific Railway. As anyone who has ever worked on infrastructure knows, conflict with a railroad is almost always a deal breaker. But with trillions of dollars of infrastructure spending currently making its way through Congress, there’s something different in the air. Twin Cities bicyclists and key elected officials think now is the time for a game-changer extension to the Midtown Greenway.

The best thing about bicycling in Minneapolis

If you’ve never ridden on Minneapolis Midtown Greenway, which cuts east-west from the Chain of Lakes to the Mississippi River, stop what you’re doing right now. Grab a bicycle and go. (I’ll give you a pass if it’s raining.)

The Midtown Greenway is the best thing about bicycling in Minneapolis. An old grade-separated rail corridor, today the trail allows cyclists, dog walkers, and strollers a scenic, uninterrupted route. Most important, riders on this trail only have to worry about car traffic when crossing a few intersections, or when a stray car or police vehicle randomly shows up on the route. Compared to the low-key anxiety (and occasional near-death experiences) that are part and parcel of urban bicycling nearly everywhere else in the metro area, this is a minor miracle. That separation from car traffic is why the Midtown Greenway, parts of which are over 20 years old, remains the best urban bike route in the nation.

It wasn’t always this way. I’ve been bicycling in Minneapolis long enough to remember when the Greenway was still under construction, and it stopped abruptly at 5th Avenue South. Watching it open in stages, piece by piece, shaped my understanding of how grassroots infrastructure projects like this come together. It’s not easy to create a seamless bike route that runs for miles through a dense city.

“When the first idea came up about that old rail line turning it into a bike path, many people said, ‘We can’t do that, there’s no way that’s going to work,’” Cam Gordon told the assembled crowd at St. Paul’s Lake Monster Brewing. “When the Greenway was expanding, and it got to my neck of the woods [the easternmost section in the Seward neighborhood], there was a rail line there, and people said, ‘We can’t do that; no way that’s going to work.’”

The eastern extension running to West River Parkway opened in 2007, and has been operating without incident with trains ever since.

“When the first idea came up about that old rail line turning it into a bike path, many people said, ‘We can’t do that, there’s no way that’s going to work,’” Cam Gordon told the assembled crowd at St. Paul’s Lake Monster Brewing.
[image_credit]Courtesy of Joshua Houdek[/image_credit][image_caption]“When the first idea came up about that old rail line turning it into a bike path, many people said, ‘We can’t do that, there’s no way that’s going to work,’” Cam Gordon told the assembled crowd at St. Paul’s Lake Monster Brewing.[/image_caption]
“Now they’re saying you can’t have a greenway across that bridge, and we say ‘Sure we can,’” Gordon continued. “We proved we can do it.”

 Many hurdles ahead

The event at Lake Monster marked the official release of a new report commissioned by the Midtown Greenway Coalition, a nonprofit that helps maintain and expand the existing trail. The report touts the economic impact of the Minneapolis Greenway, making a case for spending money on the bridge and extension project.

There are many hurdles to the Greenway extension proposal, foremost that the bridge over the Mississippi is currently owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway. In urban planning circles, railroads are infamous for their inflexibility and ability to trump nearly every other level of government in getting what they want. (Just ask the planners of the Blue Line light rail extension to the northwest suburbs.)

That said, Canadian Pacific offered to sell the entire bridge to Hennepin County back in 2006, providing that the county assumed liability. At the time, the county turned the offer down because of structural concerns. But if it were repeated these days, I sure hope the outcome would be different. A more recent study, also sponsored by the Greenway Coalition, looked at the bridge and found it was possible to accommodate bicyclists and a railroad track. The bridge and the tracks only serve one train a day, a grain train shipping from Minneapolis’ last remaining mill on Hiawatha and 38th street. Meanwhile, the siding spur to the north, leading to the University of Minnesota, is only used for car storage. Both tracks offer excellent opportunities for government investment.

There are many hurdles to the Greenway extension proposal, foremost that the bridge over the Mississippi is currently owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
[image_caption]There are many hurdles to the Greenway extension proposal, foremost that the bridge over the Mississippi is currently owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway.[/image_caption]
Here’s why: Extending the Greenway over the river would lead close to the University of Minnesota campus, and would result in a stunning improvement for bicycling through Minneapolis and St. Paul. The university has more than 50,000 students and staff, and has long been the No. 1 source of bicycle activity in the Twin Cities. A dense campus full of young people and parking-deprived workers means that any bike route near the campus instantly becomes a bonanza for cycling.

Meanwhile, for St. Paul, once the Greenway crossed the Mississippi River, finding a path through the city would be far simpler. It’s a good bet that Ramsey County and St. Paul officials could find money for the project, connecting tens of thousands of people with the west metro. Probably more than any other single investment, it would help St. Paul achieve its ambitious climate action goals.

The fiscal case

The argument laid out in the new Midtown Greenway Coalition report is chock full of maps and numbers. The 93-page study details the land use changes that have occurred in south Minneapolis since the Midtown Greenway opened, and includes similar maps of the routes along potential extensions. For example, since the Midtown Greenway was first opened, more than 4,000 new apartments were constructed within a half-mile of the project. Overall, the changes along the Greenway have boosted annual city and county tax revenues by more than $30 million.

New structures built within a half-mile of the Midtown Greenway, 2000-2020
[image_credit]Courtesy of the Midtown Greenway Coalition[/image_credit][image_caption]New structures built within a half-mile of the Midtown Greenway, 2000-2020[/image_caption]
The report aims squarely at elected officials, helping them do the math on how economic development can build a city’s tax base. On the one hand, these kinds of analyses are always squishy, conflating a whole range of conditions and variables into a simple number. For example, even without the Midtown Greenway, it’s certain that Uptown and Lyn-Lake would have seen plenty of new housing development. But even to a passive observer, it’s easy to see how the country’s best bicycle trail has improved quality of life and spurred development on acres of underused land in south Minneapolis.

Boosting property values is always a mixed bag in a city with steep income inequality like Minneapolis, but the report’s authors take pains to point out how the Midtown Greenway promotes connection and equity through the city. For example, many of the neighborhoods along the Greenway are home to people who do not own a car. There are many benefits of a safe connection between rich and poor parts of the city.

[image_credit]Courtesy of the Midtown Greenway Coalition[/image_credit]
At this point, it’s clear that the Greenway bridge needs outside help to make the project happen. Ideally, Hennepin County would step in and piece together a proposal to the railroad, as it tried to do 15 years ago. In the intervening years, the benefits of a project like this have become far more apparent, while the need for action on climate and reducing transportation emissions is more urgent than ever.

If the county remains uninterested in taking the lead on the investment, maybe a more regional agency like the Metropolitan Council or the Minnesota Department of Transportation could assemble a proposal. The details of that negotiation would probably be difficult, but when compared to the kinds of “economic development” projects that happen around the metro (see for example, this Ramsey County onramp expansion), the Greenway extension is a strong contender.

Hurdles remain and logistical headaches loom, but having optimism about crossing the river is a refreshing change for a project that always seemed to be a bridge too far. One thing nobody disagrees about: If and when the Greenway extension happens, it’ll spur a bicycling revolution east of the Mississippi.

As Soren Jensen, the head of the Greenway Coalition, said of the extension proposal: “It will instantly catapult St. Paul into the top of the best bicycling cities in the country, if not the world.”

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  1. Interesting. I did not see a cost in the article. I saw wonderful advantages and eyes widely shut dreams of all the good that it would do. Nothing about cost or maintenance. Or the bridge that would have to be built or purchased. Nothing about real items. I love lobbyists. Can I become a lobbyist? I would like a putting green and practice golf area across the street from me. It would bring in $100, 000,000 in TIFF money. PLEASE?

  2. I would love to see the Midtown Greenway name get officially applied for the trail all the way out through Saint Louis Park and to Hopkins, leave the Cedar Lake Trail name for the trail to the north. I’ve met enough cyclists in Hopkins on the trail who just call it the Midtown Greenway anyway!

  3. There was a reason for the small crowd at the bike rally, very few will use the bike bridge. Of course there was no mention of cost, why worry about cost when “infrastructure” money will pay for it. Bad news is “infrastructure” money is our tax dollars! Put it to a vote and see where the people paying for the bridge come in on it.

    1. Ah, Joe! I know you usually chime in opposing anything that is progressive or of value to the local community but I didn’t think you’d be opposed to a bike bridge that will indeed be used by a great many bicyclists and pedestrians. The Midtown Greenway has helped spur an amazing amount of residential and business development along its corridor. And the new bridge connection and the proposed direct connection to the University of Minnesota will greatly benefit the many students who bike to school (including St. Thomas). Better biking infrastructure will likely take numerous cars off of the congested I-94 to make it easier for you to drive in the Cities, if you do happen to ever drive in the Cities. I’d sure rather see your protect-the-taxpayers energies directed towards bloated military budgets, massive tax breaks to multinational conglomerates and maybe having the billionaires pay some income taxes.

      1. Sorry Dave, too many broken promises on “public good projects”. Remember when our new light rail system was going to pay for itself? Let the folks decide if they need a bike/walking bridge. All I am saying is put it to a vote. It is the tax payers money we are spending here, is it not?

        1. The proposal is part of a promise (Mid-Town Greenway) that has already delivered:

          ““It has generated close to $2 billion in economic development, in the form of new apartments and condos built next to it. And it generates tens of millions of dollars in annual property tax revenue for the public coffers. Developers want to build next to the Greenway, and people want to live next to it,” he said, noting that the study shows the new extension would be just as popular as the Midtown Greenway.”


          What’s the return on investment for taxing Amazon 0%/yr?

          1. Benjamin, if you can prove a walking/bike bridge brings in millions, I’m all for it. That would be a simple fix for many communities, put in bike trails and bridges, then sit back and collect the money…. If that is true, you have converted me to a bike trail guy.

          1. Pat, are we moving products, produce, oil and gas by bike paths now? If so, again I’m all for it. Roads are used for commerce, are bike paths now commercial freeways? As I stated, show me bike paths bring in millions, I’m for them steady every day!

  4. Thanks Bill! Excellenting reporting and advocacy for the extention of the Midtown Greenway across the Mississippi and into St. Paul. I support the idea; however, a higher priority for me since I live in the SE Como neighborhood of Minneapolis is the completion of the Grand Rounds “missing link.” The East end of SE Como is devoid of parks and trails and is home to lots of folks, especially students, who bicycle frequently. Any chance you could do similar research for the completion of the Grand Rounds “missing link?”

  5. I have not checked in over 40 years, but there used to be a 3′ wide wooden cat walk 30′ below the rails on the Short Line bridge. A little bit of a scramble down the hill and a fence to climb over, but a very entertaining and challenging walk, 100′ over the river with no railing. I was a hands and knees kind of guy, one guy did ride his bike over. Still good for a shudder and chill up my spine 40 years later…

  6. I’m sorry, but what’s the use? Some time ago my street (which is heavily residential) was denominated as a Bike Boulevard by our local district council (no input from residents of the street in question) and I have yet to see more than 3 bikers per month using the “boulevard.” The effort in question was led by a person whose hopes for opening up lanes for children to ride bikes to school won against common sense (this person and their children live more than 10 blocks away from my residence).

    I’m failing to see how putting children on a retrofitted, aging trestle bridge will be attractive, if not safe, and how what little utilization will justify the cost? It’s been more than what, 6 years now that this has been on the docket? And in that time it’s not been needed?

    Divert funding to what is needed by the majority, not the vocal minority.

  7. This idea has always sounded lovely, but in reality it is very complex and expensive, with slight benefits over other options for crossing the river – and a massive equity problem when looking at the entire system. If a road project was presented with mushy numbers like this it would be rightly picked apart by bike/ped/transit advocates. Let’s ask this reasonable question: If we had a huge $100 million budget over next 10 years to invest in NEW bike/ped infrastructure (not maint/repair) in only Mpls/St.Paul (not suburbs) – would this project make that list? If the goal is biggest equity/climate bang for buck, I’d say the clear answer is NO. There has been great progress made in the cities over the last 20 years – and the Greenway is a key part of that, but we still have far to go get people more biking/walking in the neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods need much better road crossings, new paths, new bike lanes, and road adjustments to slow down speeding traffic. Just in the Midway we need big improvements on Thomas. Minnehaha, and Snelling (and much more). This Midtown extension is a nice dream, but would benefit a few people at a huge cost when other needs are much greater. If we are serious about working for equity and fighting climate change, lets put our limited resources into more effective projects.

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