COVID-19 vaccine
A woman receiving a coronavirus disease vaccine shot. Credit: REUTERS/Megan Jelinger

Earlier this week University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel announced that the university would soon require employees to attest to the fact that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Further, the president promised that once the FDA approved any COVID vaccine (right now, all are authorized under an emergency use authorization or EUA), COVID vaccination would be added to the list of immunizations required for students. The president’s announcement noted that details on how these changes would be operationalized would be forthcoming.

We applaud Gabel’s decision to change course when presented with a shifting context and additional information and hope more college and university leaders will follow this lead. Now, as the university  develops the roadmap for implementing these promises, we call on our university to develop a clear, comprehensive, equity-focused approach to vaccination. It should be activated immediately and would ask everyone in the university community to participate in some way.

Some have borne a disproportionate brunt of the pain

For all of us, living through the pandemic for the past year and a half has been grueling and punctuated with losses. However, some have borne a disproportionate brunt of the pain: more Black, Hispanic, Native, and lower-income people have contracted COVID, gotten severely ill, and died from it. In our state, COVID cases are rising and once again the most pronounced increase is among Black Minnesotans.

A virus does not understand race or class, so how has it managed to ravage certain communities with greater intensity? One reason is that racism, both past and present, has structured our society to dole out resources selectively and unequally. This results in historically oppressed people having less access to the protections we know can shield us from the pandemic’s harmsFor instance, those who face social and/or economic disadvantage are more likely to be employed in jobs where it is difficult to minimize exposure to the virus and simultaneously face a variety of barriers to accessing vaccination. In other cases, institutionalized racism experienced by many patients of color in health care settings perpetuates the medical mistrust sown by centuries of medical exploitation and exclusion of these communities.

A comprehensive and equitable policy approach is more than just a rule saying you must get vaccinated. Effectively implementing an equity-guided policy will require UMN to make vaccines maximally accessible – culturally, socially, logistically, financially. Let’s start immediately with setting up vaccination sites across campus that allow walk-ins, have extended hours and offer a choice of vaccines. People should be allowed paid days off or guaranteed accommodations for missed work or school assignments if they experience side effects from vaccination. This strategy would also entail providing frequent, easily accessible and culturally appropriate information and counseling on vaccination for all.

Meaningful engagement is critical

A vaccine requirement may be alarming to some who were hesitant to seek vaccination due to both historical injustices and wrongs they have personally experienced in their interactions with the health care and university systems. But institutions have a duty to address these wrongs head on. Here, meaningful engagement is critical. Commitment to dialogue with hesitant community members as well as others concerned about safety on campus often happen best through trusted organizations — whether student groups, religious institutions, or staff unions — and the university should share its power and resources with these organizations. They should be funded to design and carry out various aspects of Get the Vax 2.0, like community conversations, vaccination or testing events, distribution of masks and incentive programs. The people who will be most affected by a COVID outbreak or any health concern should not only be at the table but leading conversations about what they need to feel safe.

As it does with all the other vaccines already required of its students, UMN will allow some exemptions, with details to be worked out. Individuals who pursue an exemption from vaccination should be required to assume other protective measures to demonstrate their commitment to community safety, including proper indoor masking (with high quality masks) and regular, verified COVID testing. It is imperative that all members of the university community take preventive measures so that personal actions (or inactions) do not inflict harm.

Time is of the essence

While we understand that full FDA approval might offer some assurance for students, numerous employers and colleges, including many in our region, have already required vaccination under the EUA. Time is of the essence. It is unknown when FDA will grant approval; meanwhile, the fall semester is rapidly approaching, the highly transmittable delta variant is surging, and protections in the broader community have been rescinded (i.e., statewide mask requirements, capacity restrictions in public spaces). Having an equity-guided vaccine policy already activated at the start of the fall semester has important implications beyond our campuses and extending across the region. More than 65,000 students, hailing from locations throughout the state and around the world, are enrolled in the University of Minnesota system. Additionally, nearly 30,000 people work for the university, which is one of Minnesota’s largest employers. COVID transmission at the U will be a determining factor in how well COVID is controlled throughout Minnesota, which includes hard-hit rural areas, this fall and winter.

Rachel Widome
[image_caption]Rachel Widome[/image_caption]
The University of Minnesota’s leadership in prudent public health policy should intrinsically address the foundational structures built upon centuries of racism that have contributed to inequitable COVID outcomes. This certainly presents challenges and would require a significant commitment of resources, both time and financial, from the university. But we believe an equity-minded approach to vaccine policy has the best shot of increasing our “community immunity” — enhancing safety, and building trust, compared to the status quo.

Though we are 18 months into this pandemic, it is not too late to take proactive steps to repair harm, provide access to protection, and center those whom our systems have historically put at disadvantage. Implementing a vaccine policy that prioritizes equity as a goal will promote the whole community’s safety in the context of a pandemic that has had unjust impacts.

This piece was developed and written collaboratively by Rachel Widome, a social epidemiologist at the U who researches how policy can be leveraged as a tool to promote population health and equitable outcomes, and the following co-authors: Nate Chomilo, a pediatrician and internal medicine physician and adjunct faculty member of the U’s Medical School; Sarah Gollust, a health communications and policy researcher in the U’s School of Public Health who studies the translation of various types of health information (including discourse on vaccines) to the public; Rachel Hardeman, a health equity researcher in the U’s  School of Public Health and the founding director of the Center for Antiracism Research and Health Equity; Carrie Henning-Smith, a health equity researcher at the U’s School of Public Health focusing on disparities that rural and older people face in accessing care and how policy can address these issues; Katy Backes Kozhimannil, a health services researcher at the U’s School of Public Health who focuses her work policy strategies to advance racial, gender, and geographic equity; Jaime Slaughter-Acey, a maternal and child health epidemiologist at the U’s School of Public Health who focuses her research on marginalized/underserved populations; Kumi Smith, an infectious disease epidemiologist who researches STI transmission dynamics and effective population-wide interventions for limited resources settings; and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, a demographer and mortality researcher in the U’s Department of Sociology. Her recent research has quantified racial inequities in COVID-19 deaths.


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  1. What a dishonest and embarrassing piece. Anyone not yet vaccinated has chosen not to get vaccinated. That is why we are at the point where if you can’t get vaccinated, you can’t go. And not just to school, but to concerts, businesses, and more and more places. Grow up and take some responsibility.

    1. Maybe the holdouts are waiting for the guilty white liberals to raise the bounty from $100.

      1. I would raise it if I could, and it has nothing to do with being guilty. I want Covid to be done. I want people to stop dying of an easily preventable disease. I want the economy to grow and businesses to stay open. I want to throw my masks away.

    2. Absolutely right on! The reason that the minority community has been disproportionately affected by Covid has NOTHING to do with racism. It’s due to the fact that minorities have not been getting vaccinated. You can walk into every CVS in the country, without an appointment, and get a FREE Covid shot in 15 minutes, whether you are white, black, asian, etc.

      Claiming that people aren’t getting their shots because they don’t get paid time off from work is ridiculous. Quit making excuses for people make poor personal decisions.

    3. Dishonest how, other than it appears to have offended your delicate sensibilities. This was well reasoned, articulate, and thoughtful, nothing dishonest here, just a good synopsis of what the U is doing. Or because the authors used the word equity, you got all flustered.

      1. Nonsense. There is nothing thoughtful or articulate about this. The only people not vaccinated now are unvaccinated by choice. These people are shameless, irresponsible liars who are putting lives in danger. This isn’t equity – it is coddling stupidity.

      2. In all fairness, there have been numerous walk in clinics at various hours, many employers have onsite vaccinations. North and south Minneapolis have had mobile clinics. And I thought the U clinic also offered free vaccines.

    4. It seems unfair of you to call the article “dishonest” and irresponsible without actually pointing out what parts of the piece you think are dishonest, and why you think the collaborative piece is immature and/or irresponsible.

      I can’t determine myself what their motive would be for lying or what responsibility they might be evading.

      Criticism without any examples makes your critique against the individuals, not the a critique of offensive behavior.

      1. I did explain it – the only reason anyone is unvaccinated is by choice. This entire piece is based on bald-faced lies. These people are a public health menace.

        I don’t care if you are a Trumper or a lefty -vaccines are safe and effective. We are at the point of requiring them because people are too dumb and irresponsible to do the right thing. No more excuses.

  2. Why was this article even printed? This has nothing to do with racial equity. Government and health care providers are bending over backwards to make sure communities of color and lower income communities are served. Providers have setting up shop in those same communities all over Minnesota for quite a long time. And now, the government is paying people $100 to get the shot. So please stop the whining about disadvantaged people not having equal access.
    Did it ever occur to you that a large majority of black people do not want to get vaccinated? Are you saying that is the fault of white people? That’s just nuts. This is about personal responsibility. You have it or you don’t. This is about protecting your family and members of your community. I hope that every business, every level of government and every level in the education sphere requires masks. If you choose to still not get the vaccine I do not want to hear one peep out of any of you. And that includes the clueless people who wrote this article.

  3. “However, some have borne a disproportionate brunt of the pain: more Black, Hispanic, Native, and lower-income people have contracted COVID, gotten severely ill, and died from it. In our state, COVID cases are rising and once again the most pronounced increase is among Black Minnesotans.” (RW)

    But – we have been told for months that it was the Trump voters who were not getting vaccinated?

    However…..I have read the following…

    “Which groups are not taking the vaccines? Blacks and Hispanics. They have the lowest rates of Covid—9 vaccination. But the media pretends like the real culprits are Trump voters. Could this be because it’s easier to chastise and revile Trump voters than blacks and Hispanics?”

    1. I’m gonna agree with Ron here. We can’t chastise the Trump voters for not getting vaccinated, and then excuse other groups for the same thing.

  4. Seriously, we are way past a “commitment to dialogue.” We are way past vaccination sites on campus.

    No, we are at stay away if you aren’t vaccinated. We are at you don’r get to go to college if you aren’t vaccinated. If you aren’t smart enough to have been vaccinated, you probably don’t belong in college.

  5. At no time in the history of Minnesota i believe has so much effort been made to make a public service (vaccine) available. For Pete’s sake they even pay you $100 to go get one, or you can get a free Uber rider. And i’m sure there will be 100 people lined up outside your house if you need a ride to get to a vaccine center.


    The authors of this “distinguished” oped talk about equity, disproportionate impact, meaningful engagement etc. Are you kidding me. This exposes the fallacy of these endless claims that the lack of progress in this country is due to racism, poverty etc etc. Sure there is some of that. However as the vaccine rollout shows, there are vast number of people in this land , both rural and suburban who follow no rational process in their lives. That is their choice. The claims in this article are more of the latest political flavor in this country rather than any scholarly research.

  6. My only problem with the article is that is seems to blur the distinctions between the University campus and the community at large. The vaccine is already freely available, so financial hardship isn’t an issue. Vaccine clinics on campus are a great idea, but students and staff need to get the jab weeks before classes start in order be protected when classes start, so how do you reach those who aren’t going to be on campus? Sure, a vaccine and testing infrastructure needs to be created on campus… is anyone suggesting otherwise?

    And this all starts with the mandate, so let’s not pretend the mandate is irrelevant compared to some other considerations. If the mandate gets the jab into everyone’s arms… how can that be an inequitable outcome? You either get everyone jabbed or you don’t right? And everyone means EVERYONE right?

    We have a specific mission here. I see a lot of suggestions here that help expand equity but don’t necessarily get more jabs into student and staff arms. I’d like to see the authors be a little more specific, they are dealing with a discrete population on campus after all.

  7. This article feels like it was supposed to be written 8 months ago. Vaccines are now widely available, we have moved past the triage days where the highest risk populations were targeted in order – elderly in nursing homes, health care workers, teachers, etc…. We now have essentially unconstrained supply. The U should ensure they have good access for all their staff and students with their diverse schedules.

    H0wever one specific here deserves to be called out – choice of vaccine? It’s totally impractical to expect to setup many sites serving fewer people and then have multiple vaccine options and expect to educate people on which they should choose… Virtually no one of the millions vaccinated in Minnesota so far were given a choice of a vaccine manufacturer at their vaccination site. They are all effective and will drive us to rates we need.

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