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The Minnesota Department of Commerce keeps a watch list of problem banks in Minnesota. Just over 36 percent of Minnesota’s FDIC-insured banks were on that list in September. The list hit a record high last year and has changed little, even as the number of banks to actually fail has gone down. Here is a look at the bank failures in Minnesota going back to 2008. Click on any bank and see the details of each institution’s failure.

Select a bank from the left.

var table; var allData;

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var allQuery = new google.visualization.Query(‘https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/google.com/tq?key=0Al0yu3Zxr7ZJdGJQYjBvSV9JSzN2YVNSYTRvZlZQdnc’); allQuery.setQuery(‘SELECT *’); allQuery.send(handleAllQueryResponse); }

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function tableSelectHandler(event) { if (table.getSelection().length === 1) { var selection = allData.G[table.getSelection()[0].row]; var parsedData = { “FailedBank”: selection.c[0].v, “City”: selection.c[1].v, “State”: selection.c[2].v, “CertNo”: selection.c[3].v, “AcqBank”: selection.c[4].v, “FailDate”: selection.c[5].f, “Updated”: selection.c[6].f, “TotAssets”: selection.c[7].f, “TotDeposits”: selection.c[8].f, “TotGap”: selection.c[9].f, “UsOrder”: selection.c[10].v, “FailYear”: selection.c[11].v, “DifEst”: selection.c[12].v }; var html = ”; html += “

” + “On ” + parsedData[“FailDate”] + “, ” + parsedData[“FailedBank”] + ” in ” + parsedData[“City”] + “, ” + parsedData[“State”] + “, failed with ” + parsedData[“TotAssets”] + ” million in assets and just ” + parsedData[“TotDeposits”] + ” million in deposits, a gap of ” + parsedData[“TotGap”] + ” million.” + “

“; html += “

” + parsedData[“FailedBank”] + ” was the ” + parsedData[“UsOrder”] + ” FDIC-insured bank to fail in ” + parsedData[“FailYear”] + “.” + “

“; html += “

” + “The bank was acquired by ” + parsedData[“AcqBank”] + “.” + “

“; html += “

” + “At the time of failure, the FDIC estimated that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund would be $” + parsedData[“DifEst”] + ” million.” + “

“; $(‘#data_div’).html(html);

var offset = 40; var top = $(‘.google-visualization-table-tr-sel’).position().top – offset; var arrowTop = $(‘.google-visualization-table-tr-sel’).position().top + ($(‘.google-visualization-table-tr-sel’).outerHeight(true) – 20) / 2; if (top + $(‘#data_div’).outerHeight(true) > $(‘#table_div’).outerHeight(true)) { top = top – $(‘#data_div’).outerHeight(true) + offset * 2; top = $(‘#table_div’).outerHeight(true) – $(‘#data_div’).outerHeight(true); } $(‘#data_div’).css(‘top’, top + ‘px’); $(‘#arrow-left’).css(‘top’, arrowTop + ‘px’); $(‘#arrow-left’).show(); } else { // Either multiple selection or no selection $(‘#data_div’).html(‘Select a bank from the left.’); $(‘#data_div’).css(‘top’, ‘0px’); $(‘#arrow-left’).hide(); } } }(jQuery));


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