Sen. Amy Klobuchar
REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstSen. Amy Klobuchar

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  1. I knew it was a trick question.

    I thought you wanted to know either their economic value to the state or how much they’re votes cost on the open market.

  2. Net worth

    Politicans have a tendency to gain wealth while it office. It will be interesting to see how the MN delegation does over the years.

    1. Gains

      But then, so do most people.
      It would be possible to go to back disclosure forms and plot the rates of gain for different members of congress and compare that to people in the private sector with similar incomes.

  3. Paulsen conflict

    I have been reading about Paulsen’s carrying the water for Medtronic and other device makers for the past year, and now understand why he has been so aggressive in pushing their agenda. Seems to me like a very obvious conflict. Perhaps he should at least have the decency to get rid of the stock before he works so hard for their and his financial interests.

  4. Conflict?

    There’s a story elsewhere on these pages about your governor bragging about his trade mission to China that was intended to increase sales for the businesses of this state, which would lead to an increase in jobs and ultimately income tax receipts to the state’s coffers.

    So if it’s not the role of the state’s politicians to look out for its citizens by looking out for their employers, then you should write a nasty letter to Mark Dayton.

    1. Not

      when those politicians have a personal stake in the companies that they’re helping.
      That’s how conflict of interest is defined; supporting specific businesses that you have a stake in.

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