Sen. Amy Klobuchar

WASHINGTON — Sen. Amy Klobuchar does not want to replace resigning Eric Holder as Attorney General.

Holder announced his resignation on Thursday and Klobuchar’s name began popping up as a potential replacement. Much of the early speculation was, inevitably, Twitter-based, but Bloomberg News credibly cited “lawmakers as well as current and former administration officials” when floating her name.

But Klobuchar, who was Hennepin County attorney before winning her Senate seat in 2006, told the Associated Press she has no interest in taking the spot. In a statement later, she said, “I intend to continue my work for the people of Minnesota as their Senator. We have a lot of work ahead in Congress in the next year and I want to be there to do it.”

Klobuchar followed other potential AG replacements like Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and California Attorney General Kamala Harris in preemptively turning down the Justice Department’s top job.

As for Holder’s legacy, Klobuchar said he was a “steady leader” and said noted she worked with him on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act and confirming a new U.S. Attorney for Minnesota.

Devin Henry can be reached at

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1 Comment

  1. A careful congresswoman

    As an observer and in all fairness, I respond when Klobuchar calls Holder “a steady leader” It is another ‘careful comment’, as K weighs all her political endeavors so carefully?

    KLobuchar will never make waves that rock the boat since careful considerations appear to be her general thrust as she appears to be self preserving issue wise?

    It will be difficult to find a replacement for Holder; a good man is hard to find in politics these days…and doing things close to moderate with a folksy following that applauds well when Klobuchar supports small changes that effect Minnesotans? What about the nation, the world…close to moderate/middle I would say?

    Careful is good spin but where are the big issues she supports and always if Franken strides ahead first…and even he has until campaign time, a bit reluctant to stick his head up for real progressive change?

    Maybe one expects too much after recalling Wellstone and his vocalizing greater truths; greater progressive changes?..but who knows? I have no certainties here.

    One thing I do respect is her sense of humor…maybe therein lies greater possibilities; more progressive bits of positive anarchy from the the more acceptable middle-of-the-road?? But who knows; could be all wrong here…it happens?

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