school busses

school buses
[image_credit]MinnPost file photo by Bill Kelley[/image_credit][image_caption]If in-person learning for all students resumes this fall, the state Department of Education asks schools to look at adding routes or reducing bus capacity to keep riders farther apart.[/image_caption]
These past few weeks, school leaders have been busy planning for three possible scenarios for the start of the upcoming school year: a return to school buildings, a return to distance learning, or some hybrid of the two formats. 

The state Department of Education has promised to narrow it down to one course of action. But that announcement won’t come until the last week of July, by which point state officials hope to have a clearer sense of how the COVID-19 pandemic may play out this fall. 

For now, the department has issued planning guidance for every segment of the school day, including how bus rides to and from school should look different.

Additions like plastic partitions, as seen now at some grocery stores, or any other physical alteration to the vehicles are unlikely, say those who oversee school bus fleets. But they are busy exploring options for lowering bus occupancy — so student passengers can socially distance on their way to and from school — enhancing sterilization practices, and shoring up teams of drivers, which have been in short supply for years. 

If in-person learning for all students resumes this fall, the state Department of Education asks schools to look at adding routes or reducing bus capacity to keep riders farther apart. Maintaining the recommended 6 feet of social distancing may not be feasible, the guidance notes, but things like seating families together and loading the bus from back to front are still advised. 

Shelly Jonas
[image_caption]Shelly Jonas[/image_caption]
If the school year starts off in a hybrid format, the guidance prioritizes strict social distancing. It also says buses should not exceed 50 percent capacity, leaving room for one empty seat between each student, or a household of students seated together.

“Social distancing on a school bus, we feel, is going to be a challenge,” said Shelly Jonas, executive director of the Minnesota School Bus Operators Association, adding she and her colleagues are more interested in having students wear masks and in enhancing cleaning routines. “If you’re skipping rows, then you’re talking about 13 students. It gets small very fast.”

Empty seats, face masks

Jonas has already pulled together some new protocol for her drivers. The company she leads operates school buses in the Annandale, Maple Lake and Buffalo school districts.

They’ll be taking their temperature prior to boarding and signing off on a form confirming they haven’t been in contact with anyone who’s sick. They’ll also be wearing masks and gloves, and have been advised to keep the seat immediately behind them empty. 

Bethany Schubert, soon-to-be co-owner of Trobec’s Bus Service, has been in conversations with the St. Cloud and Sartell school districts as they plan for all three back-to-school scenarios. She says her drivers will be required to wear masks, as will students who ride the bus. And in addition to lots of hand sanitizer on the bus, she says they’ll be wiping everything down with disinfectant between routes — an added step that means they won’t be able to run routes back-to-back, as they normally would. 

“We are willing to do those things to take care of our employees, students and communities,” she said. “But it’s an extra step we’ll need to think about.”

Additionally, all of her employees will complete an official program this summer that goes into detail about the new cleaning products and procedures. Upon completion, buses will be marked with a clean seal of approval. 

Adding one more layer of assurance, she says they’ve also purchased a fogging machine that they’ll use to disinfect buses on a 25-day rotation. 

Ann Casey, owner of the Park Adam Transportation — which runs routes for the St. Louis Park, Edina and Bloomington school districts, as well as for a handful of private schools like Benilde St. Margaret — says her drivers were able to roll out a number of new cleaning and social distancing protocols over the summer, while providing transportation to YMCA summer camp students. 

Bethany Schubert
[image_caption]Bethany Schubert[/image_caption]
Before boarding, her drivers take their temperature and take the official COVID-19 screening questionnaire. They all enter the main office through one door and exit through another, and all wear masks. 

On the bus, they’re only seating up to 24 students. Each route has one designated pick-up location, with a camp staff member conducting health screening with campers before they board. Once cleared, they file on back-to-front, with the driver waiting outside of the bus to minimize contact. “We’re into week four. So far, so good. But it’s really contained, very controlled,” Casey said in an interview last week, noting this fall will prove more challenging as routes and passenger lists increase. 

Overseeing bus routes in the Minneapolis Public Schools district, which operates an in-house fleet of buses and contracts with private companies as well, Lisa Beck, executive director of transportation, says that, per Mayor Jacob Frey’s emergency order, face masks for both drivers and students will be required. If students show up without a mask, they’ll be provided one before boarding. They’re also tightening up record keeping for each bus route, so they can contact trace in the event of a positive COVID-19 case.

The district already operates on a five-tier system, so adding additional tiers to space out passengers doesn’t seem likely. Rather, Beck says, she and the rest of the admin team are looking at how to best redistribute students, so as to utilize every square foot of each building. “The discussion internally is we don’t know where families will land on wanting to drive their kids to school, versus using transportation,” she said.  

Drivers in demand

Over 60 percent of the Minneapolis district’s bus routes are driven by contracted employees, Beck says. As a safety net, she’s pushing to get more district employees to become licensed drivers, so they could step in when needed. 

Getting backup drivers — not to mention primary drivers, who are in short supply year over year — certified in time, however, may prove especially challenging this summer, given the DMV testing backlog during the pandemic. 

Prospective drivers need to take and pass a written content knowledge test. But Jonas says the thought of having to show up early at a DMV and wait in line for hours is enough of a deterrent for many. And there’s no special treatment, or call-ahead scheduling, for school bus drivers. They have to wait in the same queue as student drivers and everyone else. 

“As we move into August, we’re preparing for even worse scenarios,” Jonas said. 

Schubert, who is looking to hire 20 more drivers this summer, has already lost prospective drivers over this inconvenience at the very start of the employee pipeline. “ The average person isn’t going to want to deal with that,” she said. “We’ve found some people that just said, ‘Forget it. I’ll find another job.’”

She says her hiring goal is steep. But she needs about 12 drivers to fill open routes, plus backup drivers who can step in when someone gets a fever and can’t drive. If the findings of a recent employee survey she sent out play out, she may be scrambling to hire even more drivers before summer ends. “Twenty-three percent of respondents said they’re very concerned about coming back this fall because they’re higher risk,” she said, noting a number of her drivers are older. 

Casey says that when the pandemic hit this past spring, it only caused minor disruptions to her team of bus drivers. Checking in with her drivers to see how they’re feeling about this fall, she says most are still interested in driving. But she’s not sure she’ll have enough drivers to stretch out across the day if they end up adding more routes to better space out passengers. 

“Most of my drivers are not used to working an 8-hour day,” she said, noting many are retirees who just drive a few routes to keep busy. “Some want to go home for lunch. Many have a midday job, so they’re not able to come back and do another tier.” 

If the 2020-21 school year starts out in a completely distance-learning format, Casey hopes that the districts she contracts with will uphold their end of the bargain, financially, as they did this past spring, so she’s able to keep all of her drivers on payroll.

“We were very lucky. All of our contracts held up. We paid all of our drivers though the whole school year,” she said. “That was because of the generosity of districts — they all upheld their end of the bargain. They also did it hoping we’d still have those drivers in the fall.”

Schubert says her district contracts held up through the spring as well. And she’s hoping that if this fall brings a full return to distance learning, that there “is that reciprocation again,” so they don’t lose drivers. She’s also already ordered 18 new school buses, to keep her fleet up to safety standards and ready for this fall.

“I’m hoping that because of the relationships we do have, they’ll understand and take care of us, one way or another,” she said.

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  1. As an experienced school administrator, I really appreciate articles like this. Thank you so much for your reporting.

    One thing stood out for me in this article: prospective bus drivers receive no special treatment when it’s time for them to take their test. Given their importance, and the difficulty in recruiting them, I recommend making test scheduling easier for driver prospects.

  2. If people are dissuaded from getting a license to be a bus driver because of the lines maybe the school district should pay them fifteen dollars an hour to stand in line.

  3. I’m dismayed to see NO mention of a bus ventilation policy. This is a KEY protection measure, along with a no-exceptions requirement to wear some kind of mask. Recent studies have shown that just cracking vehicle windows a few inches will dilute air-borne virus concentrations to harmless low levels. While this may be uncomfortable in winter, it’s a lot better than spreading death. And most masks, while not protecting their wearers from virus particles, WILL protect others by reducing the wearer’s ability to spread the virus into the air just by breathing, if they are infected but have no current symptoms.

    It is now very clear that the coronavirus primarily spreads through the air, not from surface contacts. Both the WHO and the CDC have failed to accept this reality, which was just emphasized in a letter by several hundred leading epidemiologists to the WHO.

    The WHO’s medical safety committee is ineffective because it is dominated by a few old, important medical experts who believe that surface contacts are the primary threats, as with some other past viruses, despite no evidence of this for the coronavirus. Instead, they stupidly demand stricter evidence of aerosol transmission vectors than for they do for surface contact transmission, because they are old and stuck in their ways.

    As Arthur C. Clarke explained in the first of his three laws:
    When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

    The six-foot social distancing guideline only helps with the larger “droplet” emissions of an infected person when they cough or sneeze, not the much smaller aerosol particles that can spread throughout any closed interior space just from normal breathing of a super-spreader.

    As a result, deep-cleaning and social distancing are really not much use in an enclosed space like a school bus. The key is to keep a good flow of outside air to prevent virus aerosol concentrations that will be inhaled by anyone in the space (unless they are wearing a well-fitted N95 mask, which won’t be true of most or all school children).

    I hope school administrators read this! Otherwise, you are setting up for a catastrophe.

    PS: THE SAME OBVIOUSLY APPLIES TO ALL OTHER ENCLOSED SPACES, including stores, bars, offices, etc. So while this will be very disruptive to the previous guidance on what makes re-opening safe, it’s a reality. Pretending otherwise is a fool’s errand. And (PPS to Trump, who doesn’t read anyway), hope is not a strategy. This isn’t going to magically “disappear”, and the way we are dealing with it now isn’t working, as our pathetic statistics show. We are now the world leader in how NOT to handle this pandemic. Look to most Asian nations instead for leadership and proven results on the best tactics.

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