President Donald Trump speaking during a rally prior to the rioting at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.
President Donald Trump speaking during a rally prior to the rioting at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Credit: REUTERS/Jim Bourg

Writing for The New Republic, Mary L. Trump, niece of the former president and a psychologist, once again tears him a new orifice in a brutal but (to me at least) insightful analysis of how dangerous her uncle still is, the demons within that drove him and drive him still, and suggests there is no chance that he will just fade away.

Her piece, titled “Donald’s Plot Against America,” is powerful and certainly has the ring of truth born from deep inside knowledge of her family in general and her uncle in particular. I don’t think I can summarize it, although I was slack-jawed as I read through it Thursday night.

It gave me the creeps, but perhaps the creeps are necessary until this threat is finally put to rest.

I highly recommend you read it, although not too close to bedtime. It’s accessible here, although you may need a subscription to read it.

The subhead says: “Now, he and his GOP enablers are peddling the Second Big Lie: that Jan. 6 was just legitimate protest. It’s the crucial ingredient in convincing America to return them — and him — to power.”

The full piece is also published by Reader Supported News, where it can be read without a paywall and it’s accessible via this link.

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  1. The concern I have is that a late and not currently well developed legal view might gain acceptance in the Republican Party in the next few years. That’s the idea that the legislatures or authroities they designate have the right to intervene in the choice of presidential electors if they find there is reason to doubt the fairnes or integrity of the popular vote. As near as I and others can sort out, that was the idea behind Trump’s challenge to the results of the 2020 election. It didn’t work, because the legal groundwork had not been prepared, and because it was incompetently argued. No one was prepared for such a bold move at the time.

    But what would have happened if things had gone just a little differently? If Fox News had not called Arizona so remarkably early? If Georgia election officials had not been so reistent to the president’s blandishments? And for me the critical moment, what would have happened if on Dec. 1, AG Barr had not said there was no evidence of election fraud? What would have happened if the president’s assertions had the support of the federal government? Would his otherwis absurd objections take on a color of reasonableness that state legislatures could have then used to overturn the vote?

  2. There is far, far, far, far more going on w Trump and his sycophant supporters. It’s not just a delusional power hungry psychopath. Add on the rapidly changing country demographics that will make middle aged white men the minority within the next ten years. It’s old rich white men’s desperate last stand before losing their top dog standing and the power and control it yields. It’s the realization that life is changing for many but few have any viable options for preventing it. It is a perfect storm situation and tensions run high. The USA has never ever experienced anything like it. Now we could all stay calm and make gradual adjustments as things go along. That wb the sensible approach. But when life as one has known it is about to explode in one’s face: few remain calm & rational. Instead they dig in. They fight back. They claw and grasp and wail. The oldest generations wb affected the most, along w those wielding the most power and authority currently. Hence the major acting out happening. And it’s gonna get a lot worse b4 it gets better! There wb a strong regressive push to go back. But that’s not progress; it’s an immature reaction. The rest of us–the women, the younger factions–will need to try to contain and control the infighting and insist on mature, reasoned responses and behaviors. Things’ll become easier once the oldest generation dies out. This is a process of life and it can and will work out over time. But it will not happen quickly or seamlessly. It’s like dying: some folks slip away gracefully & quietly, others rail & rant til the end. But life will go on for the majority and as they are the future, they should be the ones w the most say and who ultimately control the final outcome.

  3. Mary Trump is a fraud. She has claimed to be a clinical psychologist. Yet the New York Office of the Professions has no record of her qualifications or licensure.

    It appears that she is not on good terms with members of the Trump family, whom she appears to blame for her father’s alcoholism and early death and which has produced a real estate dynasty, a federal judge, and a U.S. President.

    She apparently also has never created a successful permanent adult relationship. After blaming the Trump family for what she characterizes as their homophobic attitudes, she came out as a lesbian, married a woman with whom she undertook to raise a daughter, and is now divorced.

    This history is in sharp contrast to the children of her uncle, Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany Trump, all of whom have created successful careers and stable relationships.

    It is impossible to take Mary Trump and her criticisms of the Trump family seriously.

    1. Okay, that was very good, but it would work even better if you weren’t snickering while you said it. Try acting like you really do believe it – that would be even funnier.

    2. Hilarious. Donald Trump is a trust fund kid who knows absolutely nothing about running a successful business. And his children have only ever worked for him.

      Mary Trump is the only bit of class in that family cesspool. She is the only Trump anyone should ever take seriously

  4. Yes, indeed, AG Barr was a total surprise. Other wise I want to think that there is much stronger support for American democracy than we might imagine; case after case challenging vote count around the country being thrown out.
    Mary Trump’s point that The Donald is really smoke and mirrors for the real danger of Mitch McConnell”s treachery rings solidly true.
    all together, with the endless virus, and incessant climatic destruction; President Biden is a comforting balm, however transient.

  5. Eric:

    I just read the article you referred to, written by Mary Trump. Wow, what a writer! Her intelligence and understanding, as well as her personal insight into the “real” Donald J. Trump, makes her voice all the more powerful and compelling. What a smart cookie she really is! Hard to believe she is related to “the Donald”.

    I love this country – I truly do – but I do fear for our Democracy, much as is laid out in the contents of Mary Trump’s article. “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

  6. Well, my information comes from Google searches, but I’d still rate it more dependable than the rabbit hole you’re drawing your information from. It stated that Mary Trump did get a clinical psychology from Adelphi University, which has an accredited school of psychology.

    That someone is not on good terms with a habitual liar and narcissist who displays a deep streak of cruelty is not any reason to disbelieve her. As for the “successful” family that employed legal intimidation, tax evasion, and
    cheating creditors as part of their basic business model, not sure I’d hand my hat on that. Go figure that someone cheated out of a bunch of money might be bitter. Not a reason to disbelieve.

    The fact that you bring up being a lesbian as a reason to discredit someone; frankly, says a lot more about you as a person than Mary Trump. Believe me, outside of your narrow circle, most people see sexual bigotry as something to be condemned.

    Finally, Trump’s kids as models? Really? The old adage, “He was born on third base, and acted like he hit a home run,” certainly fits this clan, as it does Daddy Trump. It’ll really be interesting to see, when all the layers are peeled back, how much this bunch of crooks garnered using the Presidential office to line their own pockets. By the way, you forgot to mention Don Jr. as someone having a “stable relationship.” Come to think of it, why no mention of Daddy and a “stable relationship.”

    Your post, however, is an excellent example of how the true believers use the Fox driven propaganda to discredit and protect Trump. Mary Trump correctly predicted that her uncle would not relinquish his power. It seemed a bit far-fetched at the time but it is chilling as to how right she was. Despite pathetic attempts to tarnish her, she certainly has become a voice that should be listened to. Much more than voices generated by the drivel from right wing media trying to protect Trump.

  7. Trump has open and obvious severe personality disorders and one needn’t be a psychologist to recognize this. But as Mr. Woodruff notes, this is not really about the demented Donald. It is about declining white (and white male) power in America.

    What is going on here is a full court press by the “conservative” movement to legitimize its rapidly developing ideology of minority faction rule, which Trump has shown to be both possible and acceptable to white America. To date, “conservatism” has pretended its political power arises from legitimate majoritarianism. This can no longer be maintained with a straight face, thus we see the present efforts which are currently being spearheaded by Trump, but when his usefulness is exhausted a new white minoritarian factional leader will arise or be manufactured.

    The total capture of the Supreme Court by a super-majority of “conservatives” will end up being the most crucial asset to the right’s destruction of American democracy (such as it is).

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