Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Sen. Amy Klobuchar Credit: Tom Williams/Pool via REUTERS

Sen. Amy Klobuchar told MPR’s Cathy Wurzer that the Senate is close to confirming Andrew Luger as U.S. attorney for Minnesota.

The University of Minnesota requested $100 million from the Legislature to improve public safety on its campuses, including by expanding its police force, KARE11 reported.

Minneapolis Public Schools said that the biggest obstacle in contract negotiations with teachers, who are on strike, was the cost of increased mental-health support for students, which the districted estimated at $70.9 million, Sahan Journal reported.

Lawmakers in the Minnesota House are calling for a commission to redesign Minnesota’s flag and state seal, the Session Daily reported.

Seven Steakhouse and Sushi in downtown Minneapolis is reopening, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal reported.

A tugboat is sinking into Duluth’s harbor, the Star Tribune reported.

The Heavy Table has a guide to restaurants in the Twin Cities that stay open later than 10 p.m.

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  1. $70.9 million to somehow address, hopefully through individualized tutoring services, the student mental health issues brought on by an inept government and their misguided notions on what is “safe” and “healthy” for kids, exacerbated by an anti-capitalist faculty who are only concerned with more pay for less work and who are depriving the kids of the normal educational experience that they’ll never be able to recover.

    That money should come out of their pension fund.

    1. More pay for less work is capitalist efficiency in action. If one is able to extract more value from the same or less labor, that’s a market net positive. Capitalists don’t suggest it’s a problem when Ford eliminates factory workers because of robotic replacements and then generates more profit from the lower costs of those robotic replacements. They extracted more value from less labor.

      Of course, when workers start acting like capitalists in regard to their personal income, people start to lose their minds. Seems like a anti-worker, double standard to me, but whatever

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