MN Drivers LicenseFrom KSTP: Minnesota could soon join a list of states whose driver’s licenses are not valid in the state of Florida where Governor Ron DeSantis is requiring drivers to have proof of lawful residence in the United States. A recently passed law in Minnesota will allow licenses to be issued to anyone who qualifies, regardless of whether they have documentation proving lawful residence in the country. 

WDIO reports that Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara says he was present for the interview of a now-fired officer acquitted of assault for using excessive force in an arrest and was not aware of the past assault. But, the Star Tribune writes that emails show O’Hara was aware of the incident months before he claimed to have found out.

MPR writes that families are protesting after a Minneapolis Montessori school was evicted from the church it was housed in following a rental dispute. 

The deaths of two women whose bodies were found in storage units in St. Paul and Coon Rapids are both being linked to the same man, the Associated Press writes

30 residents have been displaced following an apartment building fire in St. Paul’s Highland Park. The Pioneer Press reports that the estimated damage from the fire is $2 million.

Nobody was injured after a small aircraft crashed into a pond in Lino Lakes on Saturday, Hometown Source reports

Also in plane news: Fox9 says that a small aircraft made an emergency landing on a Blaine roadway on Saturday.

From Star Tribune: hundreds of supporters showed up at a Chaska store that hosted a drag story time on Saturday. There were also more than 50 Proud Boys protesting against the event.

The Minnesota Aurora’s postseason play has come to an end after a 1-0 loss to the Indy Eleven on Saturday, Kare11 reports.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to remove a link to a KVVR story that contained incorrect information and correct the location of a Minneapolis Montessori school.

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  1. Wow. Pretty severe moderation of anti-Desantis comments. Excessive protection of conservative sensibilities yet again.

    1. Gov. Desantis need not worry about my driving to Florida with my lib’rul license. Neither will I fly there, or take a train. Forget Greyhound. Haven’t hitchhiked in forty years. Swimming’s out.

      Who in their right mind would go to that cesspool by any conveyance at all? Minnesota is the perfect distance from Florida.

      1. Well, that was the gist of my take, too, but I called it a hellhole under DeSantis.

      2. Funny that you are saying you wouldn’t go to Florida because of this.
        But your ok that the federal government says you can’t fly anywhere with that license either.
        This such a red Hering issue. If you have a real ID license you don’t have any problems in florida or at the airport. Lmao 🤣 🤣

        1. Well, you can fly without Real ID using your passport after May 2025. So you don’t actually need it, unless you want to try to drive in the “conservative” hellhole of DeSantistan.

          And who’s this “your ok” you are speaking of? All this Real ID hassle (a domestic passport, really) stems from a Bush/Cheney/Repub War on Terra law passed in 2005. But glad you had such a laugh!

          1. Yeah, I’ve never even considered getting a “Real ID”.
            I already have a passport, a “Real” one and not one of those fake ones that are only good for visits to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean islands.

        2. I never take seriously the comments of anyone who includes “lmao.” The emojis just confirm that judgment.

    2. I’m always amazed that some of my comments get moderated, yet TRULY AWFUL comments by a large handful of regular “conservatives” slip through on the daily.

  2. Hmm…is it believable that MPD’s top cop lied about knowing a newhire was involved in a couple of excessive force cases? Its routine at this point, so maybe he just didn’t notice.

    1. Much ado about nothing. It is very possible, no one is lying, but that they have a different understanding/interpretation of what was said at the meeting. The officer ‘made full disclosure’–what does that mean, did he mention hitting with the taser after tasering him, was his perspective that the defendant was fighting back? When you watch the video, it does not look like the defendant was putting up much of a fight after he was tased and on the ground, so why then hit him and have a knee on the neck area? This is a great example of how people read into things what they want to, when the full story can have various perspectives.

      1. It can have multiple perspectives, but there it a limit to what can be reasonably justified, and this doesn’t come close to meeting that threshold. The cop’s actions were terrible enough that he was charged with assault and caused the city to lose a $150k lawsuit. Meaning he is 100% not fit to be hired by a department that has a longstanding and well-documented history of being violent and abusive toward citizens and must see a complete seachange of culture in order to gain the minimal level of trust needed to do their jobs.

        The only question that remains is whether the chief did or did not know about the incident. If there are emails that show he did, there is no defense. I am not sure what benefit you see in obfuscating and excusing behavior that will maintain the awful status quo.

  3. I was gonna stay out of Florida while DeSantis was in power, but now I’m having second thoughts. Getting a speeding ticket in a rent car there could be just what the doctor ordered — a little hint of what it might be like if Florida seceded and put itself in our rear view mirrors, literal and figurative, forever. A nice thought anyway.

  4. I would assume that a Minnesota Real ID would be valid since it requires proof of citizenship before issue and is accepted by DHS as a valid ID for air travel. Florida just doesn’t want non-citizens to visit their fragile state lest some snowflake takes offense.

    1. Florida has as many as 3.5M Canadians visiting Florida each winter. None of them will have a driver’s license that shows proof of lawful residence in the US. Is this really an anti-Canada bill?

  5. Umm, Jazzmine, North Minneapolis is not in St Paul. You may want to reread that story about the Montessori and church dispute and correct your summary.

  6. Florida has 750,000 undocumented workers. Maybe it should deal with its own problems, as obviously most are driving without any kind of license or insurance, both of which all Minnesota licensed driver’s have.

  7. It looks like the constitutionalists in Florida have never heard of the Dormant Commerce Clause. Or, they have, and they don’t care because they’re really sticking it to the libs with this one (oath to uphold the Constitution be damned!).

  8. Perhaps DeSantis could get me a free trip to Martha’s Vineyard when I want to leave, paid for from the rubes that voted for him? I could arrange to have someone drive my car back to Minnesota at a later date..

  9. I’m not lawyer but whatever legislation Florida passes regarding drivers licenses must in the end conform to a variety of federal laws regarding everything from interstate commerce and freedom to travel, to national security. I would guess any attempt to invalidate out of state drivers licenses would be essentially unenforceable.

    But really, you know we already fought a Civil War over this crap, doesn’t anyone else around here notice the Fascists in the room who want to start another Civil War? Isn’t rejecting other state’s DL’s a step towards secession?

    1. “Isn’t rejecting other state’s DL’s a step towards secession?”

      Not necessarily. It’s a performative gesture. The legislation will attract a little attention for a time, demonstrating anti-immigrant hatred, but will then fade from view. The courts will strike it down (any 2L could tell you that it’s unconstitutional) and, if anyone still cares, it will be proof that the woke judiciary hates America.

      Either way, they win.

      1. Not sure why you assume garbage like this is a “win” either way for these guys RB? The last time they started a Civil War it didn’t end well for them.

        1. They can demonstrate how they just owned the libs, which is the important thing to them. At the end of the day, they’re cowards and won’t secede, because it would mean the end of the subsidies from woke America that they rely on.

          1. RB, I suppose you’re correct in regards to those who bounce around in the increasingly small and irrelevant Fascist bubble of reasoning. However out in the real world, this is just another example of outright stupidity that will lose elections… as long as elections still matter.

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