The goal for this year’s Summer Member Drive is 100 new or returning members. With a few days left to go, we think we’re on course to make it … with your continued help and support. Since launching last Tuesday, we have received 112 donations totaling $8,582, including 89 donations from new or returning members.  

We greatly appreciate our 48 new members. And we want to give a special welcome back to our 41 returning members — those who had supported us in the past but not in the last year.

MinnPost will be moving to a more formal membership renewal process in the near future. We want members to know when their membership year is almost up, so they can renew with no lapse in our expanding program of member benefits.


Thanks to everyone — new and returning — who has taken the time to tell us why they decided to support MinnPost during this drive. The comments below are published with permission. 


Sorry it took so long to get back on track. — Keith Lester, Brooklyn Center

Thoughtful journalism. — Ron & Jane Petrich, Minneapolis

Excellent health reporting by Susan Perry. — Benjamin Pofahl, Minneapolis

Best news and views on local as well as national issues. — Lynda Pauling, Oak Park Heights

MinnPost is user-supported and I need to do my part. MinnPost’s reporting hits the sweet spot with just the right kinds of topics, depth of coverage, and volume of content to help keep me informed. — Danna MacKenzie, Grand Marais

MinnPost is my daily “print” source for news and commentary. — Ginny Belden-Charles, St. Paul

Excellent journalism, in a world where that’s becoming scarce! — Mike Evangelist, Birchwood

Eric Black! Brian Lambert! — Mary Flister, West St. Paul

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