Pamela Espeland’s ears must be burning. And in a good way. 

We sent out an email asking MinnPost readers to help us continue running Pamela’s Artscape column four times a week. We started this expanded schedule last summer, to try to fill the gap in ongoing arts coverage by other Minnesota media. 


Dozens of readers have already responded with donations ranging from $10 to $300…and thoughtful comments about how much they appreciate Pamela’s attention to and passion for the arts.

All Artscape donations will be matched dollar for dollar, thanks to a matching pool of $9500 created by generous lead donors. 

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. We greatly appreciate every donation and every comment, and we’ll continue to publish comments as they come in.

Help keep the Artscape momentum going — donate today!

The following comments are published with permission. 

In gratitude for coverage of MN Orchestra.Stephanie Sarich, Minnetonka

Artscape is a great encapsulation of what makes living here so great! I regularly share links with my friends and family, near and far.Ann McKinnon, St. Paul

Love your arts coverage and also your mental health & addiction focus!June Thiemann & Dan Bartholomay, Minneapolis

I love Pamela’s writings and her passion for the Arts.Robert Briscoe, Harris

The Artscape column and Pamela’s coverage is astute, comprehensive and informative. In short, a very valuable voice in the Twin Cities’ arts world. Thank you for everything you do!Karen R. Nelson, Minneapolis

We’re lucky to have Pamela Espeland covering Minnesota’s arts scene. Someone really ought to write a Fringe show honoring her.Tane Danger, Minneapolis

Thanks for your coverage, Pamela!Michelle Hensley, Minneapolis

In honor of our vibrant arts community.Jean Spielman Housh, Edina

Thank you, Ms Espeland and MinnPost, for your amazing arts coverage!Kathryn Nettleman, Minneapolis

Great online newspaper. I love the Artscape column.Arturo Steely, Minneapolis

Lovely initiative!Barbara Forster, Minneapolis

We so appreciate Pamela Espeland’s comprehensive and engaging reporting on the arts in Minnesota. You should actually get a Minnesota Arts Board grant for the service!Joe and Lois Duffy, Afton

Consistently strong reporting on issues I care about and a great way to stay in touch with what’s going on in our community. Especially love Artscape!Carol Bauer, St. Paul

Pamela’s work is extraordinary — loved the interview with Osmo! — Paula and Cy DeCosse, Minneapolis

Keep up the amazing work!Lili Hall Scarpa and Andrea Scarpa, Golden Valley

Help keep the Artscape momentum going — donate today!

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