Artscape donations are continuing to come in, and the matching pool of $9,500 has now attracted more than $3,200 in additional donations.

Bottom line: there’s still plenty in the pool to match additional Artscape donations dollar for dollar.


Matching pool donors include Janice Gepner and Eric Newman, Mike and Kay O’Keefe, Garrison Keillor, Joseph and Lois Duffy, Paula and Cy DeCosse, Lili Hall Scarpa and Andrea Scarpa, Jennifer Martin, Alan and Linda Shapiro, Stuart and Kate Nielsen, and Barbara Forster and Larry Hendrickson. We are grateful for their support.

Wondering why it’s important to support the expanded four-times-a week Artscape schedule? Consider these three comments by recent donors, all reprinted with permission:

  • I’m grateful for Pamela’s unique ability to cover the breadth and depth of the wonderful arts scene we’re lucky to live in, and contribute to! Thanks for all the hard work!Mark Bilyeu, Minneapolis
  • The blossoming of Artscape has made a huge (positive) difference the Twin Cities arts landscape. Thanks, MinnPost and Pamela Espeland!Maria Jette, Excelsior
  • Pamela’s coverage is THE BEST!Mariellen Jacobson, Minneapolis

Help Pamela bring arts events large and small to the attention of Minnesotans. All donations will be matched dollar for dollar until we exhaust the matching pool. And all donations are 100% tax-deductible and 100% appreciated. Thanks for keeping the momentum going!

Help keep the Artscape momentum going — donate today!

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