Donors can designate during fall member drive

After the first two days of MinnPost’s fall member drive, we’re almost a quarter of the way to our goal of 200 donations by October 1. If this pace continues, we have a good chance to make the goal. But we need your help!  

Please make a donation in the amount of your choice to support one of these five specific beats:

Or, here’s another option: support the whole MinnPost package

And please take a minute to tell us why you value MinnPost. We appreciate your comments and will publish many throughout the drive. The comments below are reprinted with permission.

I love it. The best for local coverage of politics, the arts, and the environment. Keep up the great work as it is appreciated everyday.  Mary Fernstrum, Marine on St. Croix 

I appreciate the well-moderated Comments sections. — Peter Berman, Minneapolis 

I like to be informed on all subjects  especially those concerning Minnesota. You do a good job.  Dot Drake, St. Paul

I read lots of cool and interesting stuff on this site, have found good cultural events here as well. — Jan Roetzel, Northfield


Glad to support MinnPost!  Phil Platt, St. Paul

Great in-depth journalism. Love the additional coverage of immigrants and communities of color. Long overdue in the Twin Cities. — Susan Sheridan Tucker and Jim Tucker, Edina

The stories covered are relevant to me, the city, and the state. Your coverage of daily living issues is important to me V. Greenlee and L. Klement, Minneapolis 

Love the in-depth coverage and Minnesota focus.  Carolyn and Bruce Jackson, Edina

My interest is mostly on coverage related to state/local govt policy. I give because we all benefit from consistently applying thoughtful and experienced coverage and commentary to point out new ideas or flaws in our thinking.  Jane Vanderpoel, Eagan

My go to is “The Glean”, then one or two other pieces that pique interest, usually in education or politics. — Sarah Magnuson, Lindstrom

MinnPost covers local news on a wider variety of issues and events. — Martha Hewett and Linda Varvel, Minneapolis

As the association for architects and the architectural industry in the state on Minnesota, we appreciate the outstanding news coverage that MinnPost brings to the area. — AIA Minnesota

Timely & succinct coverage. — Colles Larkin, White Bear Lake

This is the quality of newspaper that I looked forward to reading as I grew up in this city. — Robin Rainford, West St. Paul

The news is current and includes research-based analysisjust what I value in a news source. — Bill Linder-Scholer, Shoreview

Andy Sturdevant. Paula Schumacher, St. Paul

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