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MinnPost’s year-end campaign has attracted 135 donors so far, including 112 one-time and 23 recurring gifts.

With donations ranging from $5 to $500, year-end gifts now total $9,671. We still have a long way to go to reach our $70,000 goal.

Please chip in with a new or additional gift, and let us know what you value most about MinnPost.

In the comments below, reprinted with permission, donors mention local news, outstate coverage, Black Lives Matter reporting, and “informative articles, frequently on topics not covered elsewhere.” Pamela Espeland earns special appreciation, along with Eric Black and Ron Meador, writer of “the great Earth Journal.” 

And in the words of John Boyt of St. Paul, “Minnesota is lucky to have MinnPost. Bravo!”

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This is my best resource for the most inclusive and in-depth local reporting, and includes a gratifying amount of outstate coverage.Holly Breymaier, Minneapolis

Quality reporting. Great daily news.Ken Ries, North Branch

In honor of the great work you’ve done in reporting on #BlackLivesMatter issues.Mary Hess, St. Paul

We need every independent source for news we can find.Candy Hazen, Minneapolis


There are plenty of good journalists, but there are few good writers. Minnesota is lucky to have MinnPost. Bravo!John Boyt, St. Paul

Keep up the great work!Matthew Becker, St. Paul

Enjoy the excellent, independent news coverage!Deb Ginder, Little Falls

Society needs more real online journalism driven with a combination of factual reporting and advocacy for clear societal benefits.David Paulson, Minnetonka

Best news coverage in the Twin Cities.Paul Udstrand, Minneapolis

We look forward to reading the informative articles, frequently on topics not covered elsewhere. Please continue the good work!Tom and Mary Lou Detwiler, Minneapolis

MinnPost provides sound journalism and real news, not newsertainment. — Rich and Liz Stadther, St. Paul

I really enjoy Pamela Espeland’s arts reporting, she’s great!!! — Mike McLaughlin, Maple Plain

I love the MinnPost approach and I especially love Pamela Espeland’s arts writings. — Robert Briscoe, Minneapolis

The great Earth Journal.  Lois Norrgard, Minneapolis

I get very informative news reports you cannot get from a newspaper or TV news. I enjoy MinnPost. — Marian Woodford, St. Paul

Eric Black came to a class I was taking through Community Ed. I had forgotten what an impressive mind he had. I’ve been a reader of MinnPost off and on ever since. It’s time I help to pay for this. — Adele Hansen, St. Louis Park

Pamela Espeland points me toward amazing art events I would otherwise probably miss. And the political reporting is great! — Mary Everett, Minneapolis

Excellent source of important and credible information. — Paul Nelson, Lutsen

Most interesting news read of the day. — Don Kerkhoff, Good Thunder

Appreciate the outstate coverage. — Sylvie T. Nickel, Rochester

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