Our year-end member drive is off to a solid start, with 57 contributions received so far.

Most of the gifts to this point have been one-time new or additional donations. Fifteen people have started new recurring donations. Thank you all!

Like many nonprofits, MinnPost depends on December generosity to get the next year off to a great start. Every dollar you donate will help us reach our goal of raising $70,000 by Dec. 31.


To those who took the time to leave a comment along with a donation, extra thanks! 

Below are testimonials we’ve received in the first days of the campaign, reprinted with permission. We love to read them and will continue to reprint them as they come in.

I believe a free and responsible press is essential to a healthy and well-functioning democracy, and MinnPost exemplifies the best of the best.Kristine Mortensen, Minneapolis

Incisive reporting, local coverage, intelligent commentary.Randall Bachman, Afton

Unbiased and thorough reporting.Diane and Larry Norland, North Mankato

Great community resource I’ve been enjoying for some time – time to support, even in a small way.Mary Jo Schifsky, Minneapolis

Reliable news, thoughtful analysis. — Peter and Margaret Reed, Minneapolis

It is very informative and MinnPost is just good reading. — Virginia Pleban, Lake Elmo

We support MinnPost because it has solid, timely, objective MN news generally not available anywhere else.James and Jean Ballenthin, Backus

Getting most of my news on-line and don’t really like the new format at the Mpls. Star Tribune. Your coverage seems more diverse, enjoy that too. — Jeff Schroeder, Grand Rapids

Best coverage of local school issues AND Britt Robson! — Chuck and Linda Miller, Minneapolis

MinnPost offers the highest-quality local journalism around. I really appreciate the depth of your stories. I read MinnPost daily — thank you! — Teri Fritsma, St. Paul

I like what I read. — Sandra D. Sandell, Minneapolis

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