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With the many (MANY!) competitive races on the ballot this fall, there’s a lot at stake for Minnesota’s future.

MinnPost’s award-winning reporters are already delivering coverage that takes you beyond the horse-race headlines and deepens your understanding of the candidates vying for power at the State Capitol and in Washington.

But our nonprofit newsroom needs your support. To produce our in-depth coverage of the 2018 election, we need to hear from at least 74 new/renewing members before the Fall Member Drive ends on Sept. 21. Will you be one of them?

>>> DONATE NOW >>>

Tax-deductible donations from readers in any amount provide essential support for our reporting. If you share our belief that high-quality, independent journalism is fundamental to a strong and healthy democracy, we encourage you to donate now to make our 2018 election coverage possible.

A big thank you to those who’ve given in the first six days of the drive or any time in the last year. We always like hearing why readers are inspired to donate. Here are just a few of those comments shared recently:

Good independent journalism. — Bill Burns, Duluth

I really appreciate your independent news. In this time of continually conflicting news, a valued true source is absolutely necessary. Thank you. — Dominic Sposeto, Minneapolis

Because local journalism is important. — Rebecca Donicht, Sandstone

To support and promote important civic conversations and foster a sense of a thriving Minnesota community created through talking/writing about things that matter. — Anne Brataas, St. Paul

When you donate, be sure to share why you did so, and we might include your comment in a future update.

Thank you for supporting our nonprofit newsroom’s election coverage!

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